The rainbow deck didn't work at all.
Even with one early enchanted hourglass, I drew four SoGs, quanta, and creatures. No pulvies or shields = loss. But even if you draw a pulvy with your hourglasses, you could have cycled through your deck too fast to deal enough damage. (And you need an early pulverizer. Otherwise, it would take too long for your lava golems to chew through the dissipation shield and then you'd still deck out.) And even if I drew a shield, pretty sure 12 points of healing wouldn't be enough. I'd still get whittled down in a couple more turns.
Now that SoGs use life quanta, wouldn't sancs be the clear better choice? If your sanc gets stolen, that stops the dissipation shield from working. Sancs also heal more than SoGs. You'd have to take out the miracle for something else though.