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Card Codes https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26870.msg341559#msg341559
« on: May 27, 2011, 08:54:40 pm »
i believe this is the correct place to put this...
I looked around the forms for these but could not find a good place to find so i went and got them myself.
Earth:            8pm
 Pillar            58o / 778
 Antilion         58p / 779
 Hemitite Golom      58q / 77a
 Stone Dragon      58r / 77b
 Titanium Sheild   58s / 77c
 Plate Armor      58t / 77d
 Gnome Rider      58u / 77e
 Pulverizer         58v / 77f
 Graboid         590 / 77g
 Shriker         591 / 77h
 Enchant Artifact   592 / 77i
 Earthquake         593 / 77j
 Stone Skin         594 / 77k
 Basilisk Blood      595 / 77l
 Iridium Warden      596 / 77m
 Auburn Nymph      59c / 77s
 Pendulum         5aa / 78q
Entropy:         8pj
 Pillar            4vc / 6ts
 Maxwell's Deamon   4vd / 6tt
 Abomination      4ve / 6tu
 Purple Dragon      4vf / 6tv
 Dissipation Sheild   4vg / 6u0
 Lycanthrope      4vh / 6u1
 Chaos Seed      4vi / 6u2
 Nova         4vj / 6u3
 Mutation         4vk / 6u4
 Discord         4vl / 6u5
 Fallen Elf         4vm / 6u6
 Antimatter      4vn / 6u7
 Butterfly Effect      4vo / 6u8
 Pandemonium      4vp / 6u9
 Schrodinger's Cat   4vq / 6ua
 Purple Nymph      500 / 6ug
 Pendulum         50u / 6ve
Death:         8pk
 Pillar            52g / 710
 Bone Dragon      52h / 711
 Virus         52i / 712
 Flesh Spider      52j / 713
 Vulture         52k / 714
 Skull Sheild      52l / 715
 Skeleton         52m / 716
 Boneyard         52n / 717
 Poison         52o / 718
 Plague         52p / 719
 Arsenic         52q / 71a
 Bone Wall         52r / 71b
 Aflatoxin         52s / 71c
 Mummy         52t / 71d
 Deathstalker      52u / 71e
 Soul Catcher      52v / 71f
 Grey Nymph      534 / 71k
 Pendulum         542 / 72i
Gravity:         8pl
 Pillar            55k / 744
 Sapphire Charger   55l / 745
 Armagio         55m / 746
 Graviton Mercenary   55n / 747
 Colossal Dragon   55o / 748
 Gravity Shield      55p / 749
 Momentum      55r / 74a
 Otyugh         55r / 74b
 Titan         55s / 74c
 Gravity Pull      55t / 74d
 Graviton Fire Eater   55u / 74e
 Black Hole         55v / 74f
 Chimera         560 / 74g
 Catapult         561 / 74h
 Acceleration      562 / 74i
 Amber Nymph      568 / 74o
 Pendulum         576 / 75m
Life:            8pn
 Pillar            5bs / 7ac
 Emerald Dragon   5bt / 7ad
 Horned Frog      5bu / 7ae
 Rustler         5bv / 7af
 Cockatrice         5c0 / 7ag
 Forest Spirit      5c1 / 7ah
 Heal            5c2 / 7ai
 Thorn Carpace      5c3 / 7aj
 Emerald Shield      5c4 / 7ak
 Druidic Staff      5c5 / 7al
 Empathic Bond      5c6 / 7am
 Adrenaline      5c7 / 7an
 Forest Scorpion      5c8 / 7ao
 Mitosis         5c9 / 7ap
 Green Nymph      5cg / 7b0
 Pendulum         5de / 7bu
Fire:            8po
 Pillar            5f0 / 7dg
 Ash Eater         5f1 / 7dh
 Crimson Dragon   5f2 / 7di
 Fire Spirit         5f3 / 7dj
 Fire Bolt         5f4 / 7dk
 Fire Shield      5f5 / 7dl
 Deflagration      5f6 / 7dm
 Fahrenheit      5f7 / 7dn
 Rain of Fire      5f8 / 7do
 Immolation      5f9 / 7dp
 Lava Golem      5fa / 7dq
 Rage Potion      5fb / 7dr
 Phoenix         5fc / 7ds
 Red Nymph      5fk / 7e4
 Pendulum         5gi / 7f2
Water:         8pp
 Pillar            5i4 / 7gk
 Chrysaora         5i5 / 7gl
 Blue Crawler      5i6 / 7gm
 Freeze         5i7 / 7gn
 Ice Bolt         5i8 / 7go
 Ice Sheild         5i9 / 7gp
 Purify         5ia / 7gp
 Artic Squid      5ib / 7gq
 Trident         5ic / 7gs
 Ice Dragon      5id / 7gt
 Toadfish         5ie / 7gu
 Mind Flayer      5if / 7gv
 Nymph's Tears      5ig / 7h0
 Flooding         5ih / 7h1
 Steam Machine      5ii / 7h2
 Nymph Queen      5io / 7h8
 Pendulum         5jm / 7i6
Light:         8pq
 Pillar            5l8 / 7jo
 Photon         5l9 / 7jp
 Golden Dragon      5la / 7iq
 Pegasus         5lb / 7jr
 Holy Light         5lc / 7js
 Solar Shield      5ld / 7jt
 Guardian Angel      5le / 7ju
 Blessing         5lf / 7jv
 Reflective Shield   5lg / 7k0
 Morning Star      5lh / 7k1
 Miracle         5li / 7k2
 Luciferin         5lj / 7k3
 Hope         5lk / 7k4
 Crusader         5ll / 7k5
 Sanctuary         5lm / 7k6
 Light Nymph      5ls / 7kc
 Pendulum         5mq / 7la
Air:            8pr
 Pillar            5oc / 7ms
 Dragonfly         5od / 7mt
 Wyrm         5oe / 7mu
 Azure Dragon      5of / 7mv
 Fog Shield         5og / 7n0
 Thunderstorm      5oh / 7n1
 Flying Weapon      5oi / 7n2
 Firefly Queen      5oj / 7n3
 Firefly         5ok / 7n4
 Owl's Eye         5ol / 7n5
 Unstable Gas      5om / 7n6
 Shockwave      5on / 7n7
 Wings         5oo / 7n8
 Sky Blitz         5op / 7n9
 Blue Nymph      5p0 / 7ng
 Pendulum         5pu / 7oe
Time:         8ps
 Factory         5rg / 7q0
 Deja Vu         5rh / 7q1
 Fate Egg         5ri / 7q2
 Procrasastination   5rj / 7q3
 Reverse Time      5rk / 7q4
 Golden Hourglass   5rl / 7q5
 Devonian Dragon   5rm / 7q6
 Anubis         5rn / 7q7
 Eternity         5ro / 7q8
 Sundial         5rp / 7q9
 Scarb         5rq / 7qa
 Precognition      5rr / 7qb
 Pharaoh         5rs / 7qc
 Dune Scorpion      5rt / 7qd
 Ghost Of The Past   5ru / 7qe
 Golden Nymph      5s4 / 7qk
 Pendulum         5t2 / 7ri
Dark:         8pt
 Pillar            5uk / 7t4
 Black Dragon      5ul / 7t5
 Devourer         5um / 7t6
 Parasite         5un / 7t7
 Dusk Mantle      5uo / 7t8
 Steal         5up / 7t9
 Nightfall         5uq / 7ta
 Vampire Stiletto   5ur / 7tb
 Drain Life         5us / 7tc
 Minor Vampire      5ut / 7td
 Liquid Shadow      5uu / 7te
 Gargoyle         5uv / 7tf
 Voodoo Doll      5v0 / 7tg
 Nightmare      5v1 / 7th
 Cloak         5v2 / 7ti
 Black Nymph      5v8 / 7to
 Pendulum         606 / 7um
Aether:         8pu
 Pillar            61o / 808
 Spark         61p / 809
 Lightning         61q / 80a
 Parallel Universe   61r / 80b
 Immortal         61s / 80c
 Dimensional Shield   61t / 80d
 Lobotomizer      61u / 80e
 Phase Dragon      61v / 80f
 Phase Spider      620 / 80g
 Quintessence      621 / 80h
 Fractal         622 / 80i
 Mindgate         623 / 80j
 Silence         624 / 80k
 Turquiose Nymph   62c / 80s
 Pendulum         63a / 81q
 Quantum Pillar      4sa / 6qq
 Dagger         4t3 / 6rj
 Short Sword      4t4 / 6rk
 Hammer         4t5 / 6rl
 B. Shard         4t6 / 6rm
 G. Shard         4t7 / 6rn
 Y. Shard         4ta / 6rq
 Short Bow         4tb / 6rr
 Shield         4tc / 6rs
Grrr..... Tabs Don't Line up in Spoilers...


  • Guest
Re: Card Codes https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26870.msg341566#msg341566
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2011, 09:02:05 pm »
Erm.. Really appreciate the effort, but this has been done already (link (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,17110.0.html)) - it's the sticky thread within this same sub-section.  ;)


  • Guest
Re: Card Codes https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26870.msg341574#msg341574
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2011, 09:15:07 pm »
uhh.... well that sucks...
i did all that work and someone had already done it...
i even used the search box...

