Besides, you could always just round this down, so Maxwell's would have 2/2. And Ruby Dragon would have 8/8.
I like Virgo a lot, just that the wording has been done badly. It would've been better to say that "any damage or poison that would be taken by your creatures is inflicted on Vigro.
NOo time to read the rest, sorry
No, U C... it's not "damage redirected" it's "damage to everything but this negated".
Now, actual comments.
Libra: Would be better with averaging the stats instead of just slicing one. Slicing is too brutal.
Virgo: Bit too cheap to be such a forcefield, but the concept is great and original and such stuff.
Capricorn: whats energy lol
also, a chance of killing one weak creature is alright for such a cost.