what happen when you cast hydra and then chimera...
even reverse time can't harm your dragon when it protected by hydra. i don't think chimera can...
and i like it. combination of two opposite element.. 
Interesting ... didn't think about that at first...
If I follow my cards own logic then I suppose since the hydra would get removed from play, it would immediately spit out all dragons inside of it... so... double dragons! (as one big chimera)
Wicked combo... is it OP? ... takes a lot of quanta to set it up... at least 3 cards, a duo, and a total of at least 22

to make a chimera that has very massive stats...
1 colossal dragon, then this then chimera -> 14|50 chimera
set up cost -> 10

, 1 card
combo cost: 2 cards, 6

, 6

5 purple dragons + this + chimera would be an OTK ... but that is at least as hard to pull off as any other OTK I think so at least its safe in that respect.
I can't see any abuses off the top of my head there, but maybe I'm missing something. Can you think of any?