This card is intended for SG's competition, but I wanted to get other people's opinions before I make it final. I don't have time to try to figure out how to use an image editing program as I'm in school. So I'll post my suggestion and hopefully someone will be kind enough to create it for me.
Card: Wisp
-Death element creature
-Ability: Confusion: Target creature has 33% chance to attack opponent, the owner, or no attack at all. This effect last for two turns. (You can tinker with the wording, it's past 12 here so I'm too tired to fine tune it.) Costs two death quanta.
-The upgraded version has an improved ability: Confound: Same effect/cost, last for three turns.
I found a possible picture, but if whoever chooses to make this for me wants to use a different one, feel free. The picture doesn't matter anyway. Like I said, it's late, so I just picked something from the front page of google images... if you can find something like a "bog wisp," that would probably be better... they are orbic in shape and are found in bogs/swamps :-p
Anyway, the creature is supposed to be hard to kill since it has no attack (I was going to make it a 0/1 immaterial creature, but then realized there would be almost no counter, and you could easily semi-cancel out up to 18 creatures). Now I'm going to bed... hopefully there will be a few responses the next time I check back...