This card + any spell instant kills a creature
Its like a 1 cost congeal + shockwave....
Kinda but not exactly.
It destroys like the congeal/shockwave combo would but on a different condition. One that either player can control.
This card can be used defensively as creature destruction or offensively as creature buff. It will make the opponent think about his options and lead to some hard choices for yourself.
Put it in some extreme
I am fighting against you
You play Sky dragon > End then turn
1) I cast vortex on your sky dragon, even if i dont cast spell no.2
Now, you cant use any spell, while your hand has spell you want to use...
Just some example, and thats for 1 cost, I cut down 1 thing (use spell) in your deck, thats way way OP
Your example is meh... what spell would you want to play in a primarily air deck? Shockwave or Thunderstorm? +3 damage on your dragon is more worthwhile anyways. A better example would be someone getting out an Upp'd Black Dragon. The person has a few choices: Keep the dragon with +3/0 and don't care about any of your spells, wait til you get two spells and burn one to play the other, wait for the other person to play a spell/kill your dragon before playing your spell.
You are missing:
-During that time the dragon is hitting harder. +3 attack.
-It requires two spells to be played by person who casts Vortex to instantly kill it. One of those spells is instantly wasted*.
-You cannot have more than one vortex out on the field at a time.
*=Most decks do not emphasis on having more than 6 spells. It cripples most decks to exceed that amount. It is generally going to be the opponent if he wants to kill his own dragon.
k... it is a two card combo that will destroy any creature like freeze/shockwave. Really how is that different from just casting two lightning bolts? 2 lightning bolts will kill almost every creature in the game. Lightning bolt has more uses and can target different creatures when needed.
The biggest decks Votex could potentially cockblock are:
-Speed Rainbow
-Someone running only Miracles (who would run miracles without SoD?)
-Someone running only fractals as a spell...
No matter what it takes two cards for this spell to work.
Vortex + your own creature.
You creature is prob going to die
Vortex cast on opponents creature + another spell (to insta-gib)
You basically are wasting a card and still paying its cost.