Survival is not that tough if you have cloak. Then they can sit back and spam CC for 4 turns.
...I Might be making more out of it than it is, but lightening bolt on a stick seems pretty potent to me.
Well Idk, flying Owl's Eyes or +ATK Wardens aren't really that strong even though they can "CC spam".
True (although I don't know if you'lve played octane yet, but those owl's eyes deal some a pretty nasty CC)
However, each owl's eye and warden requires at least 1 other card to function.
I.e. for each owl's eye beyond the first you need an animate weapon, for each warden you need an ATK buff to deal damage (and maybe a spider as well)
You only need 1 of these to allow an entire field of angels to spam anti-heal.
Also, Owl's eye deals only 3 damage and wardens only deal more if combo'd with plenty of buffing. Angels deal 5 damage with this, which makes them able to kill about 80-90% of all creatures in 1 shot. The 1-shot percentage for 3 damage is significantly lower.
Wardens also require at least a trio in order to be guaranteed to damage your opponent's creatures (since they need spiders to pull down flyers and a buff to deal damage)
The 20 point BB nuke is a lot nastier, but trios are notoriously tricky to pull off.