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NAME: | Pyro Warrior
| ELEMENT: | Fire
| COST: | 4
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 4 | 5
| TEXT: | Passive:Flame Aura Whatever targets Pyro Warrior recieves damage equal to its half its attack.
| NAME: | Pyro Warrior
| ELEMENT: | Fire
| COST: | 4
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 4 | 5
| TEXT: | Passive:Flame Aura Whatever targets Pyro Warrior recieves damage equal to its half its attack.
ART: | BluePriest
| IDEA: | BluePriest
| NOTES: | If a creature does targets flame warrior, then the creature recieves half of Flame warriors attack in damage. If an elemental (aka you, or your opponent) target flame warrior, then the player recieves half of flame warriors attack in damage.
| SERIES: | |
I have no idea on a name, so I just chose a pretty basic name. I have awesome Paint Skills though. If anyone has an idea on how to change the passives wording to something not complete fail, then id appreciate it.