I love how Oldtrees formula makes me think 7/11.
This spell currently costs .... argh, this is annoying. There are no cards that force absorbing ingame! Next best them, let's extract it from Wyrm!
Wyrm's current value is 4.
Creature Cost = Attack + Ability Value + Bonuses + HP
Attack: + 3
HP: + 0 (1-5)
Ability Value: + 2 (Attack Increase), -1 expensive, Final Value +1
Bonuses?: No.
Final Value : 4
Subtract Attack, HP, and Bonuses.
1 for maintaining +3 attack.
I think it'd be:
+0 for just destroying (negated by the mark)
+2 for absorbing (Potential CC)
In general, spells get +1-2, so we currently have values of 1-2 |2- 3 for these spells if they were normal spells.
Void quanta is slightly less valued than Negative quanta (aka you gain quanta when you play the card)
The question is, what is this value?
If these cards cost Other-
(11/7) + (10/7) [Elemental Quanta] = [Other Quanta]
(7/10) [Other quanta] - (11/10) = [Elemental Quanta]
(I am taking largest potential value)
11/7 + 20/7 = 31/7 = 4.42857143 ≈ 4
11/7 + 30/7 = 41/7 = 5.85714286 ≈ 6
That is the Other value.
If void/normal quanta ratio is 1.5/1, then the value would be 1.5-3/3-4.5
So Current Values are
Normal 1-2 | 2-3
Other 4 | 6
Void 1.5 - 3 | 3 - 4.5
EDIT: W/OT's formula, the void value could potentially fall between 1.5-2.7 | 3.9-5.75
Does this make sense?