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Viral Infection and Chaos World -The Anti Healing Cards https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4424.msg43624#msg43624
« on: March 25, 2010, 01:45:59 pm »
Viral Infection
7 :death
Upped = 6 :death
The Effect of healing and damage due to the selected permanent is reversed. Drain all remaining death quanta.

So You play this card on a SoG, your opponent will be damaged 5 each turn instead of healed. You play this card on a weapon, it will heal you for the amount, instead of hurt. You play it on druidic staff, it will heal you the damage amount, and hurt your opponent the heal amount.

Chaos World
Cost: 7 :entropy
Upped 6  :entropy

All spell damage and healing effects are reversed.
Fire bolt would heal you the amount it would damage you (if you cast it on yourself you would be healed). Heal would hurt you (never used it before, but if you can choose the target, then it would hurt your opponent if you used it on them). Improved Miracle cant be cast on your opponent, I know that, but if you tried to use it, you would be left with 1 hp (computer would have to know not to use it if this card was implemented)

So What do you think? OP? Too High A Cost? Whats your opinion on these cards?
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Re: Viral Infection and Chaos World -The Anti Healing Cards https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4424.msg43630#msg43630
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2010, 01:54:03 pm »
Chaos World is a nifty idea, but it's insanely OP. When it's Protected, it essentially turns the game into a competition of who can avoid decking out -- unless at least one of the players has access to a steady source of Antimatter and/or Liquid Shadow.

Maybe a 2 or 3 turn duration would balance the card.

EDIT: Misread the card text.
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Re: Viral Infection and Chaos World -The Anti Healing Cards https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4424.msg43631#msg43631
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2010, 02:01:56 pm »
Chaos World is a nifty idea, but it's insanely OP. When it's Protected, it essentially turns the game into a competition of who can avoid decking out -- unless at least one of the players has access to a steady source of Antimatter and/or Liquid Shadow.

Maybe a 2 or 3 turn duration would balance the card.
Maybe I didnt make it clear. Only spells would be effected. Your monsters would still do damage to the opponent. Or maybe im miunderstanding you. I dont ge how it turns it into who can avoid decking out first.
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Re: Viral Infection and Chaos World -The Anti Healing Cards https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4424.msg43640#msg43640
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2010, 02:40:03 pm »
Whoops, I misread.

Sounds pretty balanced to me, now. Would these effects stack to negate, though? For example, if I played a Chaos World, and then you played a Chaos World, would they cancel out each other?
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Re: Viral Infection and Chaos World -The Anti Healing Cards https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4424.msg43645#msg43645
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2010, 02:58:22 pm »
I REALLY don't like the idea of anti-healing cards for a certain reason. Some elements, have a nice balance between defense and offense, while others are more 1 sided. Say, if you use such a card along with an very offensive element against a defensive/balanced element, you basically instant win. So, as mizz said somewhere else, "a card that totally destroys a type of deck is OP". But this card not only destroys 1 type of deck, but it totally screws up a few ELEMENTS.
So, in 1 word, NO.
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Offline BluePriestTopic starter

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Re: Viral Infection and Chaos World -The Anti Healing Cards https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4424.msg43653#msg43653
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2010, 03:29:36 pm »
I REALLY don't like the idea of anti-healing cards for a certain reason. Some elements, have a nice balance between defense and offense, while others are more 1 sided. Say, if you use such a card along with an very offensive element against a defensive/balanced element, you basically instant win. So, as mizz said somewhere else, "a card that totally destroys a type of deck is OP". But this card not only destroys 1 type of deck, but it totally screws up a few ELEMENTS.
So, in 1 word, NO.
Both Cards or just one? I mean, the healing spells arent really all that used except for miracle. So it negates miracles effect (which imo is pretty OP anyways)Quints completely negate creature control decks, i mean a mono aether against any deck whos main focus is creature control would be a near guarenteed win. since otys couldnt eat them, and they would be impervious to any spell or creatuer effect.

I would say that viral infection may be a bit OP, but I wouldnt say the same about chaos world, because you can choose to play them or not. really, in the realm of healing, it only effects heal and miracleunless it effected cards that change your max hp as well which as of right now it doesnt.

Now in an attempt that I already know is going to be an epic fail, to save the viral infection card, i have several different ideas.

1) Maybe make it just negate the healing effect? Or maybe make it heal both you and your opponent? Then it could be changed to Viral Heal :P

2) Raise the cost to 10 and it drains all death quanta? I mean, the majority of rainbow decks already scrounge around trying to drain every last drop of darkness quanta possible from their pool to get bonewall/graveyard out. So it would almost negate its use in rainbow decks. Say you have 6 shards on the field, It would cost me 60 Darkness (plus any that was in my storage) to negate all 6 shards and turn them against you. <--Added that to the main post because I like that idea.

Yeah, I know, failed attempts, but Im giving it a go anyways since they were my ideas lol.

ANd I would say they stack yes. And you could also, cast your own viral infection on your own card to make it heal again. (yeah I know, doesnt make it much more balanced, but still :P)
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