Making cards is all new to me with making it balanced and to make it fit the element i just dont see why life has to be so cheap/weak, sure "nature" isnt exactly the strongest thing around but surely life needs mid hitter perhaps not this card but it would be nice to see some good damage from life.
I used life quanta for a the ability only because i thought u would entangle something with the roots of the treant or perhaps if i changed the name of the ability to 'Thorned Roots' or something could be better in a way or not
Right i think i fixed everything up, when im typing i usually forget to type bit and pieces
When you have time please explain why you think this card merits creating redundancy between it and Warden.
To be honest i have no idea what u mean by this?
Zanz added a new card called Warden.,21460.0.htmlHence adding this card would create some redundancy.
Due to the small number of cards in the game redundancy should not occur without a good reason.