So each totem would be like a pillar that gives 1 damage? Interesting, I like it and it seems balanced, but the upgraded doesn't seem to be sufficiently buffed. Maybe lower cost to 2
for upped?
No they are not like pillars. They are creatures that can stack on the creature field.
This is a GREAT idea. Needs new art though.
Now for the many question that arise.
1. How does adrenaline work? Would it be based on the total attack or the attack of the parts?
2. How would poisons work? Would it kill the top totem and then the poison disappears?
3. How do we keep track of how many totems there are at a time if HP doesn't give us that info?
4. How would spells affect the stack? What if you played Plate armor on it? What if you played a firebolt/drain life/ice bolt on it? What about freeze, would they all freeze? How about blood basilisk?
5. Otyugh would work as normal, right?
6. How would you calculate the damage for Catapult/Trebuchet? Would it fling only the top totem? or all of them?
Probably more questions.
This card is a great idea but you really need to be clear on how to deal with a lot of new problems that arise with it.
Looking forward to your response.
If you poison the 'Totem' (where there's say 3 on there) does it only poison the top one? So as when it dies the poison is not transferred? Think that's correct, just checking
I personally think there's a potential argument for both to have costs reduced to 2. The best it can be is either a 6|1 or a 6|2 creature with a few lives (loosing 1 attack with each life). At least that's my understanding of it, like it though 
All right, to clear most things up, adrenaline, freeze, poison, catapult, buffs, and such affect the top most totem. So, say, play totem 1 then armor it then play another totem then its frozen. so, in the end, we see a frozen totem with 1 | 1 stats. if the top one is then shockwaved, we see an unfrozen totem with 1 | 6 stats.
poison will kill poisoned totems underneath. for the sake of being consice, it became messier! if there is a poisoned totem somewhere underneath the stack, its countdown should tick off as well. it's a messy bugger isn't it? haha The number of totems will be characterized in the same way we know how many bone shields there are: a small counter in the bottom right hand corner. What I think will end up being a tad buggy would be when you stack more totems while turtle shield is up, but hey haha i think it's still a little strong against gravity pull and such though. it seems to require too many CC cards to take care of it?
actually, thing is, I kept the 3

cost since you can overtake the creature limit with sufficient fractals.