actually. I came up with the the mechanic first. then tried to fit it to
by coming up with a theme. Originally I just thought about removing poison counters. but thought it would be much more usuable if it removed time counters as well (thats how i thought of
because those two elements have limited synergy)
help us understand the theme.
The theme is the weakest part. In general though. a gyre can refer to a vortex or circulation in an ocean. but it can also refer to how history repeats itself in cycles. The skills name gave me trouble. but i wanted to convey control of the flow of time through reseting counters. Im open to name suggestions. Like i said, i came up with the mechanic first.
can't say much more
I like the idea- the time water theme, the effect- but it breaks the concept of using poison and stackable shields. I'm guessing that this was meant to counter SoX, which it is really good at- but it makes the rest laughably weak. Also, is the effect repeatable? I'd suggest increasing the cost, either way.
Edit: Would purify make its attack negative?
What is SoX?
The effect is repeatable, but the attack doesnt stack. the attack resets to the new value.
most poison decks use SoSa. which this was not meant to affect.
I havent decided on purify.