I think it fits
better than
, or
since it is dealing with the death of a creature. Also it seems kinda OP since you could play a spark, fractal it then continuously play sparks insta-killing your opponents creatures
It does not work with spark, seeing as how you play it and it dies of its own accord.
The 2 of the 3 CC shields and Infection of any kind can cause you opponent to kill your creature during your attack step.
I would put this in
because it gains the power when a death triggers.
IMHO, it won't work with Death for the mere reason that Death is not associated with a bodily link, fated or otherwise. Death deals with slowly decaying your opponent, (and sometimes yourself) not mystically binding yourself to a more valuable creature or person.
I like the fact that this only works during your opponent's turn (I'm assuming it doesn't matter how the unit dies, if it's during his turn).
I think
is an ok element, although it does kill the unit (rewinding his just wouldn't work right).
is certainly more appropriate. But not everything that kills units should be
My first thought was Time as well, but it already has several permanents. And it does matter how it dies. If your opponent has one of these out as well, then there potentially could be an infinite loop the way you describe it. The way I meant it to work is as follows: For the ability to trigger, your opponent has to be DIRECTLY responsible for the destruction of one of your creatures. This means: Devour, Poison, Fire Shield etc; not forcing you to Immolate it for lack of quanta.
Since everybody seems to be thinking morbidly, hows about this: When your opponent affects a creature, an opposing creature is equally effected.
This would mean, if he buffs one of
his creatures, yours get buffed as well. (Devour, Blessing, etc.) If he poisons one of your creatures, one of his creatures is poisoned too. If he Thunderstorms you, his creatures get damaged as well.
This might raise a problem with health values. Example: You have a Massive Dragon on the field, and he has a Photon. Unfair, yes, but likely. He uses RoF on your dragon and his Photon is affected. The catch is, both creatures die. If yours would die and his would not, then his creature also dies.
I based the title and effect off of two things: The actual empathy bond that is said in mythology, more specifically, Percy Jackson. If one of the bonded dies, so shall the other. The name more comes from the Pokemon move Destiny Bond. If you KO your opponent's Pokemon, yours is KO'd as well.
Excess thoughts? New element affiliations? My guess is Gravity, for the 'binding' bit, but only loosely. I will gladly accept change. (Time works too, but I hesitate. Number of Permanents, etc.)