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The TECHNOLOGY SERIES(COMPLETED FINALLY) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3066.msg26038#msg26038
« on: February 14, 2010, 04:53:58 pm »
Seeing the introduction of the alchemy series, and other series on the forum (Scyther's Religion, Planes Series), I would like to start the TECHNOLOGY SERIES. Actually, the idea of making a series comes to my mind when I saw the alchemy series, and I have thought of an ANCIENT SERIES but I couldn't get any card ideas.

I accept all constructive criticism, just try to give some kind of solution or workaround instead of simply "Too OP" or "Bad ideas"

:earth Alloy technology(p): Grant 1 damage reduction to your shield. (No shield, no effect)
:air Aerodynamics(p): Diving triples damage but cost double while this card is in play.
:fire Pyrokinetics(p): Reduce cost of fire cards by 1.
:water Sewage treatment(p): When a water creature dies,  :water is generated.
:light Medical technology(s): Remove all negative status from the target.
:darkness Shadow maker(p): No skill or spells can be used on your creatures when this card is in play. Lasts for 2 turns.
:gravity Graviton technology(shield): All damages directed at you is returned to your enemy. Lasts for 1 turn.
:entropy Vacuum(s): Destroy half of all quanta owned by your enemy. Consumes all your :entropy left.
:time Time machine(p): All cards used will be played at the end of the turn. 4 :time: Hasten
:aether Space engineering(p): Both players can't add any creature by any way unless (s)he has less than 15 in play.
:life DNA manipulation(s): HP of all your life creatures are doubled.
:death RNA manipulation(p): A poisoned creature spread it to a random creature on the same side at the end of each turn. Poison on the player can spread to its creatures but the reverse is not possible.

:earth The reduction is unstackable.
:light "Target" actually includes the player.
:gravity Absolutely ALL damage, including creature attack, spells, even antimattered vampires
:time This actually means, you click a card, the cost is deducted, but no effect is seen. They are played after what is considered "end of turn" (can be after the Mark). Creatures can't use skill on the "2nd" turn, spells are actually unaffected, and perms effect is delayed for a turn. Sundial is still stopping the enemy, but it self-destructs at the 3rd EOT, so it stops the enemy for 2 turns. Empathic Bond doesn't heal the 1st round. Etc., etc.
:aether Original idea here (WITH ART!): http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2816.new.html


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Re: The TECHNOLOGY SERIES https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3066.msg26908#msg26908
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2010, 04:37:27 pm »
No one? Come on, just tell me what you think esp. Pyrokinetics 'cuz I don't think I have made it nice.


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Re: The TECHNOLOGY SERIES(Entropy, Gravity and Time cards still needed!!) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3066.msg27234#msg27234
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2010, 09:10:57 am »
I for one like them, and maybe it'll stop all of the new 'let's make a tech element!' threads.

Upgrade name for  :light Wave-Particle Duality


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Re: The TECHNOLOGY SERIES(Entropy, Gravity and Time cards still needed!!) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3066.msg27325#msg27325
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2010, 06:43:49 pm »
New bad ideas:
:entropy 2nd Law(s): The :entropy is raised back to the ammount you have at the start of this turn if you have less. (OP)
:entropy Arrow of Time(p): No creature can be reversed while this card is in play. (Too specific)


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Re: The TECHNOLOGY SERIES(Entropy, Gravity and Time cards still needed!!) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3066.msg27503#msg27503
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2010, 09:08:48 am »
Actually, I don't really like the name Duality. I want names that are really a tech rather than names of the theories already exist.

And, new bad idea:
:gravity Flyby: Only works when you have a creature with gravity pull on. The target creature gains momentum and its attack is increased by twice the HP of the gravity pulled creature. (OP)


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Re: The TECHNOLOGY SERIES(Entropy, Gravity and Time cards still needed!!) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3066.msg30483#msg30483
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2010, 05:43:33 pm »
Moved Radar to "bad" list

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Re: The TECHNOLOGY SERIES(Entropy, Gravity and Time cards still needed!!) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3066.msg30530#msg30530
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2010, 06:57:42 pm »
Time travel:
Creatures that die get placed on the bottom of their owners library.


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Re: The TECHNOLOGY SERIES(Entropy, Gravity and Time cards still needed!!) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3066.msg30570#msg30570
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2010, 08:30:31 pm »
:earth Alloy technology(p): Grant 1 damage reduction to your shield. (No shield, no effect)
:darkness Shadow maker(p): No skill or spells can be used on your creatures when this card is in play. Lasts for 2 turns.
:life DNA munipulation(s): HP of all your life creatures are doubled.
Love these, definitely fit in with the element

:air Aerodynamics(p): Diving triples damage while this card is in play.
Fits with the element, but maybe too OP... could be counterbalanced with cost/time limit/extra dive cost

:fire Pyrokinetics(p): Reduce cost of fire cards by 1.
:water Sewage treatment(p): When a water creature dies,  :water is generated.
:light Duality(p): When you runs out of light quanta, quanta of other elements can be used to pay.
:death RNA munipulation(p): A poisoned creature spread it to a random creature on the same side at the end of each turn. Poison on the player can spread to its creatures but the reverse is not possible.
:fire - Pyrotechnics: Your creatures deal 2 extra damage but have 1 less life (yes, this can kill a creature...at eot, like spark)

:water - Purification System: 1 poison damage per turn is healed from you and your creatures. (maybe OP but very situational)
 - or -
Ice Armor: damage to your creatures is reduced by 1

:light - Particle Technology: Half of your creatures' damage circumvents shields (rounded up or down, not sure which is better) due to wave-particle technology :)

:death - Processing Plant: Whenever a creature dies, you gain x life (not sure how much to use, could be under or overpowered depending) - kinda wanted to make it like a factory or such, since they make lots of pollution and require land to be cleared and whatnot...very death-like

Ideas of mine which I regard as "bad":
:entropy 2nd Law(s): The :entropy is raised back to the ammount you have at the start of this turn if you have less. (OP)
:entropy Arrow of Time(p): No creature can be reversed while this card is in play. (Too specific)
:gravity Flyby: Only works when you have a creature with gravity pull on. The target creature gains momentum and its attack is increased by twice the HP of the gravity pulled creature. (OP)
:aether Radar(p): Burrowed creatures can be targeted while this card is in play. (Specific)
:entropy - Randomizer: At the beginning of your turn, a random card effect is generated, chosen from things such as Hourglass, Reverse Time, Blessing, Freeze, Stone Skin, Heal, Adrenaline, etc. - Targeting is done the same as for AIs

:gravity - Gravity Matrix: All opponent's creatures gain momentum, but their attack damage is halved

:aether - Dimensional Portal: Each turn, there is a chance of a 1/1 immaterial creature coming through the portal.

:time - Time Bubble: for 2 turns, a time bubble is created around you - you cannot take damage (even poison) or be targeted, do not draw cards, and do not gain quanta. Your towers and pillars cannot be targeted. Your creatures and other permanents can attack, use abilities, and be targeted as usual.

:air - Wind Generator: Your creatures with power 3 or less attack twice per round due to extra speed (does not affect larger creatures), and you cannot be attacked by creatures with less than 2 power.


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Re: The TECHNOLOGY SERIES(Entropy, Gravity and Time cards still needed!!) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3066.msg31352#msg31352
« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2010, 05:33:05 am »
Maybe I should put my FS (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,2816.0.html) in? Renaming it to something like Space engineering?

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Re: The TECHNOLOGY SERIES(Entropy, Gravity and Time cards still needed!!) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3066.msg31369#msg31369
« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2010, 07:00:48 am »
Alloy technology- diamond shield + 3 alloy technolgy + enchant artifact = to much power.
areodynamics - nice idea, but just wyrm and pegasus can use this abillity if i know.
Pyrokinetics - good, but make it costly
sewage treatment - water don't kill the creatutes, but it's paralysing creatures.
Duality engineering - momentum is better
shadow maker- good make it costly
DNA munipulation - good idea bad in use. first use on armagio =50 Hp second use = 100 Hp. doesn't work on creatures with more than 10 hp.


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Re: The TECHNOLOGY SERIES(Entropy, Gravity and Time cards still needed!!) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3066.msg31374#msg31374
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2010, 07:44:48 am »
Alloy: Unstackable = solved
Aerodyn: If too much creature can use dive, then this is OP
Sewage: The idea is, used water can be used again. So a water creature dies, the :water can be used again
Duality: A momentum-like LIGHT card
DNA: It's for life creatures only


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Re: The TECHNOLOGY SERIES(Entropy, Gravity and Aether cards still needed!!) https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=3066.msg35030#msg35030
« Reply #11 on: March 08, 2010, 05:08:07 am »
The light I thought would be good, but I thought twice and decided it is a bad idea, too complicated and duplicate.

And the main thing: New ("good") idea
:gravity Graviton technology
Shield: All damages directed at you is returned to your enemy. Lasts for 1 turn.

