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6 neutral cards https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=2233.msg18269#msg18269
« on: January 17, 2010, 07:19:53 pm »
hier are 6 cards for the neutral place:

Duelling Grounds (permanent)

8 Quantums
3 Quantums:
Duell (chose 2 creatures, one on your side and one on the opponents side, then both of them deal their damage to eachother)

so: if you have a creature with 5/5 and your opponent a creature with 2/2, his creature dies and yours remains as a 5/3.

note: if this card would be overpowered here my alternative:

Duell (spell)

3 Quantums
chose 2 creatures, one on your side and one on the opponents side, then both of them deal their damage to eachother.

Transducer (permanent)

7 Quantums:
3 Quantums:
modifier (target creature changes its hp with its attack)

so: if a creature is a 10/5, after the effect its a 5/10

note: if overpowered here again my alternative:

Modifier (spell)

3 Quantums
target creature changes its hp with its attack

War Machine (creature)

4 Quantums
shift (when attacking, creature changes its hp to attack until after the attack, but always keps 1 hp)

so: when this creature attacks, it becomes a 6/1, after the attack it changes back to 1/6 (so it would be killed by a fire shild)

Shift (spell)

3 Quantums
target creatures gets the "shift" effect (when attacking, creature changes its hp to attack until after the attack, but always keps 1 hp)

that's it for now^^ please let me hear what you think.


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Re: 6 neutral cards https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=2233.msg18274#msg18274
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2010, 08:25:43 pm »
Duelling Grounds: Yeah, too strong.

Duel: This still would be particularly strong creature control, but it much better.

Transducer: It's fairly alright, but this one is less fearful.

Modifier: Massive Dragons. Also, well... not a bad idea, could be used in situations.

Both Shift things: Even more Armagio. Also, could be useful, just I'm not sure about the programming.


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Re: 6 neutral cards https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=2233.msg18281#msg18281
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2010, 09:18:09 pm »
I'm the same as bobcamel on these suggestions...

Shift could be easily programmed using something similar to 'Dive'. You would have to activate it each turn manually and presumably it would cost some Quanta. But ultimately it would be really powerful in certain situations (what isn't?) But I think an Armaggio with Shift could be a little on the strong side.

Again Modifier. People would just use this with really high defense (creatures like Massive and Colossal Dragon - which were designed to be 'more or less' immune to damage sources with the exception of Gravity Pull)

Nice idea's though.


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Re: 6 neutral cards https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=2233.msg18532#msg18532
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2010, 03:10:40 pm »
i came up with another card:

Universal pillar (permanent, pillar)

Each turn 1 Quantum of each standart pillar/tower is created.
(so if you have 1 fire, 3 sapphire, 4 stone pillars on your side, the universal pillar produces 1 fire, 1 water and 1 earth quantum each turn, but does only qount for standart pillars/towers not for quantum pillars.)

if you don't have any pillars it could generate no quantums or 1 random (but it isin't supposed to be played alone)


Universal tower (permanent, pillar)

Each turn 1 Quantum of each standart pillar/tower is created. gain 1 extra quantum of each standart pillar/tower when you play this card.

that's it for now i hope you like this one

