
The abilities of some rare weapons need to be changed https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=1021.msg9737#msg9737
« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:16 pm »

1. Actually, I think most of the weapon at this time (except that Vampire Stiletto), have at least a certain use in a certain deck. So, i think it should boost 1 card plus nerfing a few cards so that they are still useable.

2. EE, Eternity, Pulv, Lobo is powerful since it mimics the effect which people would like to put in deck anyway (even as a spell, explosion, mind flayer, reverse time, fire bolt (with less than 10 fire quantum)). That's actually the effect helps you gain cards advantage, which is big in a CCG, except Lobo. For one of the suggestion to nerf the eternity, said only return enemy's creature. I don't think it is a good idea. The timing for returning a creature you own or your enemy is a stragery, and it needs skill. The prevention of deck out is just a by-product.

3. I also think that the sniper ability nerf to 2 dmg is good so that the card is still useable while it shuts down less card.

4. The reason of nerfing a card is that we hope players to consider playing other cards. However, nerfing a card too much will just make ppl abondon that card and insert another good card (said 1 more copy of steal or otyugh instead of Eternity).

So, i suggest the following change:

EE: sniper becomes 2 dmg. Maybe increase the sniper cost to 3 too. Another point to check it that it deals 7 dmg (upgraded) which is the 2nd best in the game.
Eternity: i think the cost is good. Maybe instead of lowering the casting cost to 4 for upgraded. I suggest increasing 1 dmg instead.
Pulv: I think most rainbow deck use the upgraded version. 3 Gravity is just a cost that host enough. The upgraded version should still be having 3 gravity as activation cost. Here, rainbow deck will have a shortage problem of gravity quantum.
Lobo:  3 Aether as activation cost and it should not be changed when upgraded.
I also suggest the 3 earth activation of Trident and its upgrade.

I hold 1 concept here is that the effect they mimic should have a cost larger than the cost of exact spell effect they produce. Otherwise, why i use the more expensive spell instead of using that weapon (if I can afford all 12 type of quantum)?

The abilities of some rare weapons need to be changed https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=1021.msg9738#msg9738
« Reply #13 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:16 pm »

I like the idea of Moring Star being able to heal...

And that's all I'm saying...


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The abilities of some rare weapons need to be changed https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=1021.msg9739#msg9739
« Reply #14 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:16 pm »

The only reason that rainbow would have a problem with the cost is due to Otyugh.

If there was another way of killing creatures as efficiently as Otyughs do, that mana cost issue would not be one at all.  Think about this.  Does Rainbow need to kill every single permanent the opponent controls?  No.  Rainbow needs to kill the threats, such as some FG weapons or shields.

Plus, here's a little secret about these buffs and nerfs:

Know why people will only play mono color, Main color/mark supported splash, or rainbow decks?

Because the mana situation in Elements FAILS in terms of game design.  Know why you saw all of these two and three color decks in M:tG?  Two reasons:

1) Most cards had a vast majority of their casting cost in generic mana.  So for instance, let's take a relatively simple card, such as Maxwell's Demon.  In Elements, you can only pay Entropy for that card.  But in M:tG, that card might cost two entropy, and 3 of any other mana you wished to use.

2) Mana fixers.  Or their utter lack thereof.  In M:tG, you had all sorts of lands that could do one of two things at any given moment, so it was like playing two cards for one.  Rainbow simply uses the law of large numbers to balance things out.

Once you can have more control over how to direct your quanta, all of your mana cost nerfs and buffs will be utterly meaningless, since then Rainbow decks would be tweaked like crazy to support quanta they need to make more use of (life, time, gravity, death, light), and go lighter on the colors they don't need (Aether, Darkness, Water, Air (if no Eagle Eye), Earth), with Fire and Entropy falling somewhere in between (3 upgraded firestorms = 15 mana, entropy only needed for supernovas and to play druids)

Furthermore, Rainbow isn't massively good because some card or another is hideously overpowered.  It's good because it can create synergies that simply should not exist because it combos a zillion color combinations together in ways never intended.  And in a card game with hundreds of variables and an obscenely large number of possible combinations, there will always be a best something.

And so long as there is a best something, players will find a way to use it, and will sacrifice other less good somethings in order to make it happen.

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The abilities of some rare weapons need to be changed https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=1021.msg9740#msg9740
« Reply #15 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:16 pm »

Guys, you're completely missing the point. I'm not trying to nerf the current weapons; they're just fine. I'm trying to boost the underused weapons. Why? Because they are freaking rare cards! They should not be completely useless; especially in the case of Druidic Staff VS Vampire Stiletto - that is completely pathetic.

I tried to stick with the original in-game abilities and such, but apparently it's not working.

Seems like the following weapons are fine:

Trident with Freeze
Discord with Chaos Seed
Morning Star with Holy Light (cost will be lowered to 1 Light)

How about the following changes?

Titan can give Momentum to other creatures
Pulverizer will use Earth quanta to destroy permanents
Vampire Stiletto gains a new ability called Sap, which can reduce ATK of enemy creatures and return it as healing

And how about Fahrenheit loses its original ability, but gains Fire Bolt as an ability? This may not be as overpowered as it sounds; its original ability, Fiery, works in a similar way if you Fire Bolt your opponent every turn - they're both quanta-dependent. And if you say an attack like that would obliterate any creature, then it's still not that much different; the original Fahrenheit can be used to attack creatures via Gravity Pull.

I still feel that all rare weapons should have an activatable ability. Right now, Druidic Staff and Arsenic still don't have any good abilities.

How about giving Druidic Staff some ability like Summon: Generates a Horned Frog?
And if Arsenic can bypass shields, it would be much more useful.
To be or not to be, I can do both at once. Go learn quantum mechanics, n00b.


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The abilities of some rare weapons need to be changed https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=1021.msg9741#msg9741
« Reply #16 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:16 pm »

The major difference between fiery and fire bolt is the fact that fiery can be stopped by phase shields and bone walls, and only has a 50% chance of hitting through a dusk shield (the three most-commonly used shields).  The only thing that can stop a fire bolt targeted at you is jade shield or reflective shield (two very uncommonly-used shields).

And even if you actually put a jade shield/reflective shield in your deck, someone with a Fire Bolt can just put one in -their- deck and bounce it off of their shield first...which means ultimately there's really NO defense against a fire bolt, especially if they use a jade shield, which you can't even attempt to steal or destroy.


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The abilities of some rare weapons need to be changed https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=1021.msg9742#msg9742
« Reply #17 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:16 pm »

p.s. All the fire s*** is damn well strong enough.


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The abilities of some rare weapons need to be changed https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=1021.msg9743#msg9743
« Reply #18 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:16 pm »

Pulverizer using Earth mana to pop permanents?  While Seism will be even more difficult under these conditions, I would LOVE that.

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The abilities of some rare weapons need to be changed https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=1021.msg9744#msg9744
« Reply #19 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:16 pm »

For Seism, he already has a ton of pillar destruction. If you think he's hard, then just quit against him; or if you want to farm him in specific, carry some Enchant Artifact.

So Pulverizer using Earth to Shatter is a good idea? Done.

I just noticed that giving Fahrenheit the ability to Fire Bolt just turns it into a stronger version of Owl's Eye.

But then, what ability can you give to Fahrenheit? I still feel that all weapons should get activatable abilities.
And what do you think about Druidic Staff being able to summon a Frog for 2 Life? Upped version would summon Giant Frog for 3 Life.
To be or not to be, I can do both at once. Go learn quantum mechanics, n00b.


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The abilities of some rare weapons need to be changed https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=1021.msg9745#msg9745
« Reply #20 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:16 pm »

No, Pullverizer using Earth quanta to Shatter isn't a good idea. It is an easifier idea. Now I can put Pulverizers and EQs in my deck to have good denial while being just Earth.

For Fahrenheit, the normal Fiery is enough, but I hereby allow you to copy from my Heataxe and give the Fahrenheit an ability to boost a creature's damage by 3 with the activatable ability. Just don't remove Fiery,

Drudic Staff... well, what you suggest is good idea, with the summons.

Trident with Freeze is bad idea. Arctic Squid wasn't developed for nothing.

Titan with Momentum Other... Great idea, just make it cost 3 Gravity. Raynebow decks will be pissed, but that's your point.

Sap is a pretty good idea.

You can just give Momentum to the current Arsenic as it stands and raise the summon cost. You pay those 4-5 Death quanta and then enemy takes good 2-4 damage 1 poison per turn with no added cost. Activated ability isn't needed, but it may ALSO have a Poison, to a sum of 2 poisons per turn, but paying just for one.

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The abilities of some rare weapons need to be changed https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=1021.msg9746#msg9746
« Reply #21 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:16 pm »

Minnakht, I think all rare weapons should be Mono. Therefore, I want to make Pulverizer's ability Earth.

And so what if Trident has the same ability as Arctic Squid? They're both rare anyways.

For Fahrenheit, it can boost the ATK of creatures by 3, but it will deal 1 damage to the creature, to balance the ability more.
And you want it to retain its Fiery ability? But it will be too overpowered. I'll remove it until someone else tell me it's not OP.

The ability for Titan now costs 3 Gravity.

OK, I'll give Druidic Staff the ability to generate Horned Frogs.

Maybe Arsenic should get Infection as an ability? A slower but more definitive creature control than Owl's Eye.
To be or not to be, I can do both at once. Go learn quantum mechanics, n00b.


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The abilities of some rare weapons need to be changed https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=1021.msg9747#msg9747
« Reply #22 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:16 pm »

Then nerf the Pullverizer's ability a bit. AFAIR, you made it a EQ. So, I suggest that it removes 2 pillars or so. Hm?

So what is that you don't like repetetiveness. Just give it some other ability, there are plenty.

Fahrenheit, with the damage, makes the ability nearly useless, for Fire creatures are either not Mono or not have enough HP to be useful. Just make it boost the attack without such balancer, or make the balancer a 1 turn stall instead.



Both Infection and Venom, and 4 cost and 1 for Infectine, and it then is a good idea. Imminezz, they're rares, so they have the doubtable right to be a bit OP.

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The abilities of some rare weapons need to be changed https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=1021.msg9748#msg9748
« Reply #23 on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:16 pm »

bobcamel/Minnakht, if you didn't notice, I changed Pulverizer's ability back to Shatter.

And Arsenic has both Venom and Infection.

What if you have 6 animated Fahrenheits? You can add 18 ATK per turn. Maybe I'll just change the cost to 3 Fire. But Fahrenheit will be able to use that ability on itself, mimicking its original Fiery ability.
To be or not to be, I can do both at once. Go learn quantum mechanics, n00b.

