I assume you do not intend to have this card be balanced.
Slyph is worth -2 to -3 quanta. Not 0. A 0|1 Air Immortal would be worth 0.
Eva by the stats alone is worth 18

. The ability is worth more than 2

But Ria takes the cake as the most powerful card I have ever seen.
Cost of Combo 20

0) Have 7 or fewer cards in hand including 1 Ria and 20

1) Cast Ria.
2) Gain at least 2 Cremations into your hand.
3) Sacrifice Ria with Cremation.
[The card has 3 interpretations at this point. Either Fiery does not protect against sacrifice, it protects Ria making free quanta or it cannot be targeted by Cremation. I am assuming the more powerful option.]
4) Gain 9

+ 1 of each other element
5) Spawn Eva.
6) Cremate Eva.
7) Gain 9

+ 1 of each other element
8] Gain Ria.
9) Return to step 2.
Result Infinite Quanta, 2 Cremations and a 15|15 Ria and all enemy creatures Congealed
Even under interpertation 3 the skills are worth more than +2
