I'm just concerned that it's focus is too narrow. Right now it's closest analogue is Armor/Heavy Armor, which accomplishes the same thing but without the limitation of requiring devour or being potentially helpful to my opponent. About the only thing I see that makes it better than heavy armor in any way is that it can be fractaled, but at that point you're running a trio.
well if you run it upped it would be like unlimited oty food for only 2 different types of quanta (


and i think the major difference is heavy armor is an upped card that gives 0|6 for 1

while people without the money to up the card can achieve the same effect on their oty/scarabs/mutations with 2

quanta which can easily be powered by mark in an otherwise mono deck
plate armor on the other hand is 1

for 0|3 which does not work well in mono gravity, but upped sushi is free and only requires the devour skill which is also 1 gravity
the upped card, on the otherhand, would work very nicely with fractal+devour.
I also had nightmare in mind when i came up with it, the first idea i had with that card was dune scorp+attack buff+costless creature+nightmare, but with photon/RoL i found without a 1 damage shield i soon got overwhelmed, and with spark... forget that... a 0 attack creature would greatly improve this combo

I remembered i made that upped version for something else

but i forgot ill edit it into the card notes when i remember

I think sushi could be a spell, like a food reserve.
um... 1 spell came to mind... plate armor/heavy armor