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Re: Sniper | Elite Sniper https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26670.msg339641#msg339641
« Reply #12 on: May 24, 2011, 04:05:55 pm »
I hate to argure

I completely disagree aether being technological and suitable for this card.
It should most probably remain as  :gravity because even though aether has the ability to fractal creatures and such, it still does not have a technological aspect to it.

i feel that the Aether element is based off of the idea that the cards are the equivalent of what we do, make technology to do what is done naturally in nature ie. fractal is basically a advanced form of mitosis.

however elite chargers seem more like vehicles rather than creatures if you take a close look at the artwork.
also, catapults.
also, Chimeras, Chimeras are NOT a product of nature, they are artificial creations.

So are steam machines, voodoo dolls, and the hourglass (which is time so not really a valid point)
so to me not much of an argument.

Ever think why the firemaster is a fire master? Hes holding a flame throwing spear!  :o
Acceleration isn't exactly achieved by normal and natural means, it seems more mechanical imo. (acceleration of a vehicle, or rocket like object).
also, the fact that gravity seems to be the metagame holder of "momentum" mechanics, since this is technically a variation of momentum which is more for particular shields such as fog, mantle, etc, it suits gravity more,
gravity has momentum spell, why not just simply give this momentum?
Otherwise in that case, i  m¡ght recommend changing the element to  :air since it has owls eye which is a range weapon, since sniping is more of a range aspect of attacking,  :air would be a suitable element for it, however there is burrow to consider which is not a metagame mechanic for  :air, neither is it for  :aether.
Which means the only 2 candidates are,  :earth or  :darkness in metagame aspect.
i do agree in the fact that this should be an darkness card

