Hello, I've give idea for Aether ( /forum/index.php/topic,34805.0.html ) and Darkness ( forum/index.php/topic,34877.0.html ) ..
And now, I come for Light.
Check out the Paladin. Best Warrior..
| |
NAME: | Paladin
| ELEMENT: | Light
| COST: | 10
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 5 | 6
| TEXT: | : Shield of Valor Use 1 HP to resist 10 total damage from opponent creature or spell.
| NAME: | Resilient Paladin
| ELEMENT: | Light
| COST: | 10
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 5 | 7
| TEXT: | : Shield of Valor Use 1 HP to resist 10 total damage from opponent creature or spell.
ART: | | IDEA: | Prnc Athrr
| NOTES: | First of Three Paladin choice: (Resilient) Paladin Use 1 to activate Shield Of Valor: Use 1 HP to resest 10 total damage from opponent creature or spell. It close to Armagio and Dissipation shield Q: If spell or opponent creature damage is 1 - 9 ? A: Resist, -0 HP Q: If spell or opponent creature damage is 11 - 19 ? A: Resist, -1 HP
| SERIES: | |