Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game

Elements the Game => Card Ideas and Art => Topic started by: timetock on December 13, 2013, 10:40:23 am

Title: Still Shield | Improved Still Shield
Post by: timetock on December 13, 2013, 10:40:23 am
Still Shield
4 :air

Shield: Negate all spell damage. Reduce damage by 1. Removes airborne.
Improved Still Shield
5 :air

Shield: Negate all spell damage. Reduce damage by 2. Removes airborne.


hopefully a counter to both psion, SoW, SoFree, and the less popular UG. Still a usable shield? Could be OP, but I might be wrong.
I wanted to go in air, because I had the idea that air can make the air still and thick, thereby sealing your movements and also hindering the flow of spells.

This card removes airborne of all creatures when it comes into play, and new creatures will be affected too. When card is removed, creatures regain airborne. It's like flood I suppose.

Another idea is to have an upkeep so it would fit with the thematics? constantly spending :air to control the air? I don't even know. What do YOU think?

Title: Re: Still Shield | Improved Still Shield
Post by: Keolino on December 13, 2013, 10:52:07 am
This thing one turn out, now wings is a 5-turn dim shield. Not exactly right but you know what I mean. But for that combo, you would need at least 3 still shields (to make sure you really draw one early, and even then you can't be too sure) and 4+wings. Considering the card space thart combo would use up in your deck, this combo wouldn't be stronger than dim shield, but would strain your quanta a bit less. You wouldn't be able to fit this combo into a valueable wyrm rush, since with all that shards and wyrms is cramped enough already. I don't think it would be OP in comparison to dim shield.

Aside from that, it only works against wyrm-rushes if there aren't many shards out already. If there are 3 or 4 shards on the opponents field when you draw and play this card, then it won't work anymore, right? Or does it remove airborne when it comes into play (Like an AOE-spell?)

(This card could maybe be aether as well, some "empty space" shield? neither lightning can be in empty space, nor can something fly if there isn't air.)
Title: Re: Still Shield | Improved Still Shield
Post by: timetock on December 13, 2013, 10:55:57 am
Ah. I didn't clarify. It removes airborne the moment it comes into play, and it stays that way until this card is removed. Once it's removed creatures regain airborne. Or maybe they shouldn't? At any rate, any new creatures played while this card is in play will have removed airborne.
Title: Re: Still Shield | Improved Still Shield
Post by: Keolino on December 13, 2013, 11:03:04 am
Ah. I didn't clarify. It removes airborne the moment it comes into play, and it stays that way until this card is removed. Once it's removed creatures regain airborne. Or maybe they shouldn't? At any rate, any new creatures played while this card is in play will have removed airborne.

Your solution sounds better (And is a new way to think about the removal of airborne). Even if Wings wouldn't be completely OP, they would become even stronger than they already are. And Wings really doesn't need that.
Title: Re: Still Shield | Improved Still Shield
Post by: iskelion on December 13, 2013, 03:28:59 pm
love the concept (would highly prefer it as  :death)
Title: Re: Still Shield | Improved Still Shield
Post by: OdinVanguard on December 13, 2013, 06:58:27 pm
Is this a shield?
If so, it should have "Shield: " at the very beginning of the card text.
Title: Re: Still Shield | Improved Still Shield
Post by: skyironsword on December 13, 2013, 11:20:34 pm
Is this a shield?
If so, it should have "Shield: " at the very beginning of the card text.

Title: Re: Still Shield | Improved Still Shield
Post by: iskelion on December 13, 2013, 11:50:39 pm
Is this a shield?
If so, it should have "Shield: " at the very beginning of the card text.

the second card says "shield" twice (as it summons them and isnt a shield itself), the second one should have the word "shield, a mistake on the making of that card (as every shield clarifies it is one)
Title: Re: Still Shield | Improved Still Shield
Post by: Jyiber on December 14, 2013, 12:45:55 am
So much SoFr Nerf. So much awesomz, so much like idea I never finished...  :(
Title: Re: Still Shield | Improved Still Shield
Post by: Calambar on December 14, 2013, 12:58:05 am
Is this a shield?
If so, it should have "Shield: " at the very beginning of the card text.

the second card says "shield" twice (as it summons them and isnt a shield itself), the second one should have the word "shield, a mistake on the making of that card (as every shield clarifies it is one)

I think it;s not a mistake, it seems to be intentional as it is not actually a shield, but... wings. It makes player fly, I imagine it so. Anyway, I think shields and weapons should have special icons.

Back on topic. Isn't this too many things for one shield? Nulling spells or airborne status is strong enough itself in my humble opinion. But as fas as nulling airborne status is concerned I would see this shield in gravity rather than in air.

Ok, comparing it to wings, once airborne creatures can harm you. Comparing it to mirror shield, it does not reflect... So maybe decide on the effect and increase reducing damage to 2? I really don't know.
Title: Re: Still Shield | Improved Still Shield
Post by: iskelion on December 14, 2013, 01:52:11 am

I think it;s not a mistake, it seems to be intentional as it is not actually a shield, but... wings. It makes player fly, I imagine it so. Anyway, I think shields and weapons should have special icons.

Back on topic. Isn't this too many things for one shield? Nulling spells or airborne status is strong enough itself in my humble opinion. But as fas as nulling airborne status is concerned I would see this shield in gravity rather than in air.

Ok, comparing it to wings, once airborne creatures can harm you. Comparing it to mirror shield, it does not reflect... So maybe decide on the effect and increase reducing damage to 2? I really don't know.
phase shield does say "shield". and it makes the player "immaterial" (as can not be touched by matter)
Title: Re: Still Shield | Improved Still Shield
Post by: timetock on December 14, 2013, 02:35:35 am
Is this a shield?
If so, it should have "Shield: " at the very beginning of the card text.
love the concept (would highly prefer it as  :death)
not sure why you would see it in :death, because I can't. If you explain it... Also :death already has 2 shields, so I doubt it needs another one.
Title: Re: Still Shield | Improved Still Shield
Post by: Keolino on December 14, 2013, 07:34:55 am
not sure why you would see it in :death, because I can't. If you explain it... Also :death already has 2 shields, so I doubt it needs another one.

Air has fog shield and wings, so two shields as well, you know... (But light has already three, so this shouldn't be an arguement...) Anyway, I can't imagine this in :death either. It just doesn't make sence.
Title: Re: Still Shield | Improved Still Shield
Post by: timetock on December 14, 2013, 02:29:08 pm
lol oops forgot air has 2 shields already. Well. I don't even know then. You could argue for it to be in any element, though I think it would be kinda hard to convince me to put it in :death.

Odd that nobody pointed out any balancing issues. I'm still not sure if the balance is correct or not. It's only my second card ever designed after all.

Oh and if someone has art that would be great. Yes. Art.
Title: Re: Still Shield | Improved Still Shield
Post by: Keolino on December 14, 2013, 05:17:44 pm
lol oops forgot air has 2 shields already. Well. I don't even know then. You could argue for it to be in any element, though I think it would be kinda hard to convince me to put it in :death.

Odd that nobody pointed out any balancing issues. I'm still not sure if the balance is correct or not. It's only my second card ever designed after all.

Oh and if someone has art that would be great. Yes. Art.

I am so stupid. I somehow thought that the "art" which this card has right now is quite perfect... ?_?

About balancing, It's obviously quite easy since there are so many "similar" shields which you can compare to. And I think it is quite balanced compared to the various other shields out there. (Especially looking at those two imaterial spell-refleting shields) - So that is probably the reason why no one pointed out till now that this card is imbalanced.
Title: Re: Still Shield | Improved Still Shield
Post by: iskelion on December 15, 2013, 01:12:43 am
Is this a shield?
If so, it should have "Shield: " at the very beginning of the card text.
love the concept (would highly prefer it as  :death)
not sure why you would see it in :death, because I can't. If you explain it... Also :death already has 2 shields, so I doubt it needs another one.

because this card calls to "stillness", so death (things that dont move)