While I'm sure this idea may have been tried before, here is my attempt to revive it, especially considering

Earth's Protect Artifact. By the way, I'm not so sure that the name of a spell being "Statue" means the products cannot attack. Why can a weapon that flies attack consistently?
It may be a touch UP as it is now. I tried to balance it on the same terms as Quintessence. While quintessence leaves your creatures vulnerable to damaging shields, this card does not.
Statues will of course be blocked by Phase Shield and Wings, when appropriate, but will not be hurt by Fire Shield or infected by a Spine Carapace. Naturally, a Pulverizer is deadly to your army of statues.
The best way to describe the effect of this card is to say that this card's effect grabs your creature from the creature slots, puts it in your non-weapon/shield permanent slots and treats them as vanilla-weapons. Keep in mind however that passives of any Statue remain untouched.
The "friendly ≥5HP"phrase solves some issues that this card would otherwise have. In this manner, you cannot:
1) insta-kill your enemy's creatures with this and a Pulverizer.
2) turn your cheap, low HP creatures into deadly near-invincible strikers. This plays along nicely with

Earth's decent-high HP niche.
And yes, using Statue on a creature when your permanent slots are filled is the equivalent of wasting 4 | 3

Hope this helps clarify the card. ^_^
Might reduce the cost of the card -1

| -1

depending on how the following comments read.