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Infernal Soul | Infernal Soul https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6145.msg62963#msg62963
« on: May 03, 2010, 09:36:10 pm »
Hi all, had another card idea, its pretty strong so I decided to make it another "consumes all quantum" thing. Although i have some alternative ideas for it, introducing ...

Infernal Soul
Infernal Soul
Earth becomes fire, water becomes air, life turns to death, dark turns to light. Consumes all fire quantum.
Consumes all fire quantum, water life and dark quantum.
for each earth generates one fire quantum.
for each water generates one air quantum.
for each life generates one death quantum.
for each dark generates one light quantum.
As though the elements has each been superheated and thus transformed.
All fire is consumed BEFORE use so if you have 15 fire and 20 earth the end result would be 20 fire and 0 earth.
photo8 (http://www.photos8.com/fire_in_her_eye-wallpapers.html)
Infernal Soul
Earth becomes fire, water becomes air, life turns to death, dark turns to light. Consumes all fire quantum.
Same as unupped, however casting cost is slightly reduced
photo8 (http://www.photos8.com/fire_in_her_eye-wallpapers.html)

Special thanks to photos8 (http://www.photos8.com/fire_in_her_eye-wallpapers.html) for releasing this art for free on thier web site. Link here: http://www.photos8.com/fire_in_her_eye-wallpapers.html (http://www.photos8.com/fire_in_her_eye-wallpapers.html)

This card has multiple uses, in some scenarios maybe useful to alternative rainbow decks, but might also allow some alternative deck building. For example:

Upped FFQ decks could use this to allow them to play poison cards
An earth deck with fire mark could use stone skin, and then convert all earth quantum to fire for fire lances or creatures
a fire deck with dark mark for steals could use this to play a saving miracle

Suddenly trio decks become viable again :)

Going back to rainbows, it would be possible to build all new rainbows with more emphasis on fire, light, death and air quantum, rather than the grav/life/time heavy decks we are used to.

Some alternatives ideas for this card:

Different artwork, inferno, effects both players quantum the same way.

lower quantum cost such as 7/5, consumes one of each (earth, water, light, life) per fire quantum consumed, generates one of each (fire, water, light, life) per fire quantum consumed.


10 fire, 20 earth, 5 water, 10 dark and 30 life --> 10 fire, 10 earth, 5 air, 10 light, 20 life, 10 death.

possible boosts:

cheaper cost, effects both players, somehow effects other elements (wasn't sure how gravity, aether, time and entropy should be effected as these are "non material" elements)

Possible nerfs:

Damages the player for 20 damage in addition to its effects


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Re: Infernal Soul | Infernal Soul https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6145.msg62968#msg62968
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2010, 09:49:01 pm »
Wow, this just seems too confusing. I'm not sure even I get all the ins and outs of it, so a newb would most likely struggle, especially one who is trying to figure out how to even get quanta to play the card

Offline markillerukTopic starter

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Re: Infernal Soul | Infernal Soul https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6145.msg63046#msg63046
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2010, 12:38:32 am »
The card simpley changes all of your quantum from four elements to four other elements. Since it is all about HEAT the changes make some sense.

So when played your EARTH quantum disappears and it replaced by the SAME AMMOUNT of FIRE quantum. If you had 20 earth, you now have 20 fire in stead

Similarly your WATER is lost and you would now have THE SAME ammout of AIR. lets say you had 150 water, now you have 150 air in stead.

Likewise for



This is based on the following logic.
If you add a lot of heat to EARTH/ROCK you get LAVA --> FIRE
If you add a lot of heat to WATER you get STEAM --> AIR
If you add a lot of heat to LIFE you get KILL --> DEATH
If you add a lot of heat to DARKNESS it LIGHTS UP --> LIGHT

A detailed example:

Lets assume you had a rainbow deck with fire mark and played this card your quantum would change as follows:

 :aether  6 --> no change            --> 6   :aether
 :air  4 --> 4+8 water           --> 12  :air
 :darkness  4 --> to light                 --> 0   :darkness
 :death  9 --> 9 + 2 life              --> 11 :death
 :earth  6 --> to fire                  --> 0   :earth
 :entropy  7 --> no change           --> 7   :entropy
 :fire  18 --> drained 6 earth --> 6   :fire
 :gravity  6 --> no change          --> 6    :gravity
 :life  2 --> to death             --> 0    :life
 :light  5 --> 5 + 4 dark          --> 9    :light
 :time  6 --> no change          --> 6    :time
 :water  8 --> to air                  --> 0    :water

so remember:


I hope that clarifies. I really don't think its that complicated.

As an alternative this could be a multi use perminant which you can click for 1 fire to transform one of each element as described (this would mean you couldnt gain fire from it at all, if as long as you have earth/fire you could keep using it.


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Re: Infernal Soul | Infernal Soul https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6145.msg63150#msg63150
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2010, 06:47:49 am »
Ok I get it now, but still a bit complicated. I imagine it would be interesting to use.


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Re: Infernal Soul | Infernal Soul https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6145.msg63190#msg63190
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2010, 09:26:05 am »
Very nice idea, really adds more of a poker element to the game. Opponent can't automatically assume your strategy from the outset = a good thing. I'd definitely reduce cost, whether or not to make it viable for rush decks should be your main concern here. Just to mention; the cost really limits the card. 15 quanta in a trio/rainbow is no small feat and it would need to be in such a deck in order to realise its potential. I'd almost go for something within the constraints of an immolation/cremation, to make this card a real shocker. Also nice art :D

Offline markillerukTopic starter

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Re: Infernal Soul | Infernal Soul https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6145.msg63294#msg63294
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2010, 02:47:31 pm »
So how about this:

1. free to cast, lose 20 HP
2. free to cast, all creatures on your side of the field die
3. 5/3 casting cost
4, any one of the above, but also drains all fire quantum before the effect of converting earth to fire

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Re: Infernal Soul | Infernal Soul https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6145.msg63306#msg63306
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2010, 03:04:12 pm »
Interesting folding technique for some special trio/quatro decks. I wonder if they will be stable enough.
Too early in the game, you couldn't use this (high cost).
Too late in the game, you probably got enough quanta anyway.
It doesn't touch aether, so it probably can support some fractal dragon quanta requirement.

Kael Hate

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Re: Infernal Soul | Infernal Soul https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=6145.msg66352#msg66352
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2010, 04:18:12 pm »
- Image need to done in one of the 200% templates as detailed in the Posting rules here http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,5039.0.html

