yeah, it's not as fast as Sose, but SoSe is stupid fast, and it also allows for more draw over time. and if you're running rainbow, it's basiclly like having a double draw, assuimg you don't pull like a miracle. I also feel like it plays to the random nature of entropey quite well, as entropy decks most often have the quanta to play most cards.
entropy≠rainbow decks
making a slower, repeateble version of a similar card in the same elements is not always a good idea, specially if the one of the two cards is better than the other in most cases; if u checked some other threads, u can see how much peoples try to be original with the cards
This is a good point in general, but I think this card is sufficiently distinct from SoSe for 2 reasons.
1) SoSe always gives 1

2) SoSe gives all card types, this card only provides spell cards
The last point is most important to me personally. The reason is that spell cards are a particularly valuable resource to be able to generate. The cannot be replicated like creatures, and they are generally 1 shot uses whereas creatures and permanents provide continual effects.
Having a repeatable source of new spells would be very valuable since spell based decks typically suffer from card advantage considerations.
I do agree on the point that this card is a little UP at the moment. One possible workaround would be make sure it provides spells that the owner can afford. E.g. "Add a random affordable spell to your hand" wherein "affordable" means that the spell they get would have a cost equal to or less than what is currently in their quanta pool.
This would also serve to make it distinct from mindgate, for which quanta considerations are often a limiting factor.