As Terrorking said, Obedience is ridiculously overpowered. Now for other comments...
Fire Fury: Not so bad, maybe a bit too pricy.
Case: The abilities are ridiculous, althpough the conecpt is good.
Shard of def: Good idea.
Quanta generator: Like a time-stretched Nova. I doubt it'll be used, too weak. Concept is good.
Stone Wall: Armagio is 5 Gravity for 25 damage soakup, so 1Q:5DMG ratio, and those have 1:10 or even 1:11. Like a bit too strong, or Armagio is too weak.
Fire wall: Too strong, on the other side. Could control out pretty much everything on ze enemy's side, especially that Fire quanta are easy to get with Immolations, Brimstone Eaters and Towers at once.
Paradox wall: I understand it is a thing to co-work with Disappointment Shield. Well, not a bad idea as such, just... Entropy doesn't need much quanta otherwise.
Earth Product: Weak. Deals 1 or 4 damage, and is not likely to get killed. Naah.
Air Product: This one is ridiculous, on the other side. 14 effective firepower for 5 Air? Too strong, easily. This is about the upgrade, I mean.
Fire Product: Well, 30 damage + delayed Firestorm for 7. It is good... I guess.
Water Product: Useful thing, a dispelator. But... does not attack?