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some cards to complement antimatter https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4327.msg42724#msg42724
« on: March 23, 2010, 07:06:17 am »
I was thinking, since antimatter seems like such a defensive card at the moment, it would be cool to make it a more offensive card, by adding cards that started the game with a negative attack.

Name: not sure, ideas would be appreciated
cost:  :fire :fire :fire :fire :fire
attack/hp: -5/3
ability: (passive) whenever this creature deals damage to an opponent, it deals 2x this amount to its owner.

This card, having a negative attack would obviously heal its owner for 10 per turn, making it a very useful fire card. The healing it does to the opponent would be small compared to the damage from other fire creatures. If it was antimatter'd and possibly buffed, it would mean big trouble for the owned, but fire has plenty of creature control, so it wouldn't make them lose completely. Would be fun making combos with it  :). Not sure if it fits best with fire, but it makes an interesting addition to the element.

name: same as above  :P
cost: :entropy :entropy :entropy :entropy :entropy :entropy
attack/hp: 0/5
ability:  :entropy :entropy: target creature gains -1/+1

This could be used either offensively (make something with a high hp and really far below 0 attack, then antimatter it) or defensively (this is an obvious one). It could also be used to make antimatter better against creatures with growth. The reason of its high cost is to reduce its effectiveness in rainbow decks, but it would be great in mono-entropy decks or duo decks, reducing the attack of enemy creatures so they can't do much against your shield.

name: devolve
cost:  :time :time :time :time :time :time
attack/hp: <spell>
effect: return all creatures on the field to their original attack and defence, and remove all of their abilities.

The idea is that it can:
-deal with mutants that are out of control
-remove the immortal effect from creatures (otherwise it would make aether/time OP)
-help fight rainbow stall decks, because they rely on abilities and powerful mutants to win
-disadvantage the caster as well as the opponent
-counter antimatter

These cards probably need balancing, especially the last one, but I liked the ideas of some of these cards.

