Since there's a Steal for spells, why isn't there a version for creatures? I'm not sure if this has been brought up (I assume it has), but this is my version of it.

Steal a creature for 1 turn. This effect can target untargetable creatures.
To compliment it...
Consuming DarknessPermanent

: Consume
Destroy one of your creatures to generate

. The number of

generated is equal to half of the creatures strength. This effect can target untargetable creatures.
And a random one...
Elemental TributePermanent

: Tribute
Turn one of your creatures into a pillar. The element of the creature determines the type of pillar created. This can target untargetable creatures.
I wasn't sure how to do the cost for Elemental Tribute. It costs any type of three quantum to play, but the cost to use it is two Light ones. I wasn't sure if the cost of tributing/sacrificing should be darkness, death, or light quantum (is it good, bad, or just deal with death). Death would be weird in my opinion. I just went with Light. Maybe Entropy since it can do any of the elements... ?