Couldn't be bothered quoting everyones individual sentences and then doing a Frankenstein-post in reply to you all...
@Jmizzle7s offtopic remark.
hahaha... firstly, he's Asian... secondly, it's Oddjob! But thanks, making me laugh is not easy
@SG and jMizz, regarding useless card 'boneyard'...
Okay, so boneyard isn't useless because there are a variety of cards which can kill creatures. Still, you need to include these cards in your deck to trigger boneyards effect - and what then? you get a 1/1 skeleton which only purpose in the game so far is to
1) Feed your Otyughs
2) Buff your Bonewall
3) Fodder for Improved Mutation from a Fallen Druid
4) Damage your opponent (1 damage? come on, who plays Deja Vu's and Parallel Universes...)
5) Feed your Scavenger (what PvP-player would be dumb enough to kill all your skeletons without first lobotomizing your vulture or killing or reversing it first - that's what 3/4 cards?)
And for those of you with a keener eye will notice that a Rainbow Deck does 3 of these things. Feeding Otyughs, Buffing Bonewall and Mutation Fodder... Each combination of which requires:
1 Otyugh + 1 Boneyard + atleast 1 or more Creature Control Cards (Gravity, Fire, Death)
1 Otyugh + 1 Boneyard + 1 Bonewall + atleast 1 or more Creature Cont. (Death, Gravity, Fire)
1 Fallen Druid + Boneyard + atleast 1 or more Creature Control Cards (Entropy, Life, Death, Fire)
I'm sorry if I'm laboring the point and not backing down when you are most likely right (it is late here and I'm off to bed, so don't expect my final reply of today to completely change your minds)
I feel that you are thinking of this card simply in isolation. Admittedly it is a bit of a mono-duo specific deck, but think of the amount of time and thought that went into creating the Rainbow decks we have now? Surely the community can come up with bright ideas to use this and boneyard to good effect.
As for the 'in isolation'. We typically see cards implemented in 'batches'... 12 Nymph Cards, Precognition, Black Hole, Nymphs Tears and Basilisks Blood all going into the trainer at the same time.
There could be other cards giving more options for other mono/duo decks for other elements, this was just my example for Death - an element for me is already taking the first few steps to being an element with more than one option for a mono deck. What I tried to say in my previous post is that currently a mono earth deck is graboids, mark of time, and pillar denial. A mono-life typically see's lots of creatures and adrenaline with maybe some heals. So once you see his mark, or what pillars he plays in PvP you
know exactly or with at lease some degree of certainty what his deck is all about...
The point I'm ultimately getting across is if each element had 2 or 3 paths to go down as for a mono deck. Ie. Death could be Necromancy (Boneyards, Eclipse, Skeleton Captains and Plagues), Death could be Poison (Arsenic, Aflatoxin, Poison etc) or maybe Death could be some kind of Lich (A combination of Icebolt, Freeze and Necromancy)...
It's just an idea after all, again sorry if i'm behaving like a pitbull that got hold of your jeans.
good night