Well, having the ABILITY to damage other creature is actually something hard to balance, specially when the creaature is an awesome Fractal fodder... And the fact of being of "other" doesn't help, since it is easily powered by quantum towers.
To be sort of balanced, take a look at Owl's Eye: It costs 7
(you can't easily run it in a rainbow), it's a weapon (not useful with fractal), and its power costs
for unupped and
for upped (I guess I'm right)
So you would have to solve:
1- Fractal (making its cost higher, and maybe make it aether ALSO, or make it immaterial)
2- The fact of reusable CC (needs to cost more than 1 random, in a 1 random cost creature)
3- It can help any deck archetype also, since 1 random is a huge meh in nearly any deck (upping its cost, making it an elemental creature would help)
I say change its mechanic, since it's easier. Maybe make it as the unupped, maybe 0 cost, but the 2 hp would be a good buff...