Best case scenario diamond shield should be better than shock absorber.
If a deck on average only has 4-6 creatures, then I highly doubt that on average, that best case will happen constantly.
Which is why I feel it's fine at the price it is.
I think it may happen quite alot. The only place where this card outshines diamond shield is when the opponent only has one or two strong hitters. In cases where the opponent has a mix of weak minions and heavy hitters or where the opponent relies on large numbers of weak creatures, diamond shield outshines this by far. So saying "best case scenario diamond shiled is better" is a bit backwards. Diamond shield will probably be better in a large number of situations. So its really "best case scenario, this card MIGHT be better than diamond or titanium shield"
It's a lot easier to stop the enemy dealing 13 damage a turn, too.
That statement supports my argument that this card is underpowered
In any case, this card is also cost ineffective compared to SoFo + GP. Which is a very close analogue since it effectively blocks 15 physical damage per turn for a cost of 6

and 2 cards unupgraded or 5

and 2 cards upgraded... I know, shards are disliked but I doubt they will be disappearing anytime soon.
With regard to SoFo, its biggest reason for hate is that it eats permanents at the same time as growing. The hp growth alone isn't imbalanced. Even a lot of the nerfs proposed only include adding some kind of a cost or limiting the permanent destruction. So the point is a valid one.
I think cost efficiency wise, this should be at least on par with a toothless GP'd SoFo...
So starting with that,
Unupped: 6

+ 1 extra card -> ~8

for 15 absorb and 1 permanent destroy per turn via cost theory.
Permanent destroy per turn should be valued at about 3

in unupgraded meta (pulverizer and butterfly effect as reference)
So for a toothless unupgraded SoFo + GP, you would pay 5

for 15 absorb per turn.
Upgraded: 5

+ 1 extra card -> 7

Permanent destroy is worth about 2 to 3

in upgraded meta (use upped pulvy as reference)
So once again, a toothless upgraded SoFo + GP is worth about 5

for 15 absorb per turn.
Your shield is underpowered in both cases.