what if all your creatures are equal in attack? and would multiple shards stack this effect?
I suppose it would randomly choose one if they are tied, or it could have a tiebreaker of slot order (e.g., the first played out of two 0 ATK creatures gets buffed). And yes, they would stack, but each one would buff separately, so they would not always all buff the same creature.
Pretty OP if you ask me.
Especially if the buff ignores burrow.
Maybe if it was primarily a HP buff....
I figured Zanzarino would tweak/balance these shards further, so this was more of a concept and I didn't work too hard on balancing it. I'm not sure about game coding, but it could probably be made to not target burrowed creatures, or increase their unburrowed stats instead (so a Shrieker would get +2|+2 unburrowed but +1|+1 burrowed).