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A few random ideas o.0 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4152.msg40736#msg40736
« on: March 19, 2010, 12:55:58 am »
Cost: 6 any(upgraded is 5)
When a creature is damaged, all creatures you control gain +2/+1 for 1 turn(doesnt stack). All Damage done to your creatures increases by 2 for 1 turn(doesnt stack).

Frozen Crusher(Frozen Obliterator)
Cost: 5 :water( 7  :water)
Attack: 5/3( 7/5)
Ability:  :earth deal 3 damage to  1 frozen creature. This is frozen for 1 turn.(Deal 4 damage.)

Power Plant(Power Generator) Permanant
Cost: 6  :aether(6  :aether)
Ability: Destroy 1 Aether Pillar/tower. Summon 1 Spark(65%) or 1 Photon(35%) (upped is only Ball Lightning)


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Re: A few random ideas o.0 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4152.msg40743#msg40743
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2010, 01:04:46 am »
Power plant is underpowered IMO

6 :aether + sacrificing 1 :aether pillar/tower to summon a creature that cost nothing to bring out.



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Re: A few random ideas o.0 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4152.msg40800#msg40800
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2010, 03:08:33 am »
As stated above the Power PLant is under powered as the creature summoned is easy to kill or dies on the first turn. Maybe if it spammed them (as in 2 Sparks) it could be more useful. But as it is scarificing a pillar for a creature that is free doesn't make a lot of sense.

I like the Unsettled. Maybe the cost is too little for it as you can play it on your first turn with only 2 towers but to raise it by 1 could fix that. So the effect only lasts til the end of your turn? Why not make it +2|+0 rather than up. I am glad you said it doesn't stack and that would drive me nuts. (I'd never use thunderstorm again).

The Frozen Crusher is an idea that has been thrown around a bit. Being able to deal damage to frozen creatures is a good thing. I am unsure how this would work but hey Otyugh likes Frozen Dragons fro Lunch. A good card. In some ways I would look at it as :earth to summon and :water to use but thats just me, kind of the inverse to Trident.

Good work and glad to have the ideas flowing.



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Re: A few random ideas o.0 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4152.msg40853#msg40853
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2010, 05:26:02 am »
I think the Power Plant idea would be good if you simply got rid of the 'destroy a pillar' part. Make it cost 2 :aether to put Spark in to play (upgraded would be a Ball Lightening)

I say give it a cost of 2, even though it's normally a free creature, because it would spammed like crazy if it was free; you could have 6 out and be doing 30 damage a turn. But a marginal cost to do 3 or 5 damage every turn isn't bad, and it would stack well with graveyard.

