4 is a bit high, but they are quite fragile and very expensive... Consider comparison to hope shield though, if these have to do damage rather than just exist, this opens up a huge range of other CC options. Freeze, stun, AM, and interesting even sundial (you get 1 round to put damage through for each). Also, your own shield could help as well: Dim shield and wings stop them cold. Fire shield and thorn shield and skull shield kill them off. Ice shield freezes them. Turtle shield stuns them. Fog and Dusk mantle will stop any that miss their attack.
In short, if they must deal damage to provide a shield effect, they are MUCH more easily countered. Every element will have at least 1 card to deal with them. The SoP combo will be much less effective, and a decent shield can prevent the Quint combo from paying off, or at least make it more difficult and costly. I think this warrants the high 4 pt damage reduction.