Wow. Please do not put all of these into the smithy at once. It would swamp the smithy.
In fact this will take me a while to go through and critique.
Worm HoleAlthough a Wormhole does connect two points in spacetime, why would that make a creature betray its master?
This spell has been suggested before (typically as Darkness) and found extremely difficult to balance.
CoreWhy would creatures being lighter (yes Gravity is less the closer you are to the center of an object) cause them to lose 1 attack? Heavy Gravity might be a better name.
-1 attack for 4
sounds about balanced. Playtesting would test this.
AtmosphereIsn't the Atmospshere (aka the sky) Air's domain?
Why would the sky block spells?
Why should we have both this and Reflective Shield?
Gravity PullName already taken by a card in game.
This spell is a little situational.
AcelerationSo a cost of 2
now which is refunded next turn with interest? Sure.
Gravity Zero45% probably should cost 4
Why do we need another miss chance shield again?
Magnet KnightSo drain -1|0 from an enemy creature and gain +1|0? Neat
You will want another word, absorb is already used in game to mean quanta upkeep cost (see flood).
Cost of 2 or 3
seems more fair.
ForcerWay too situational.
Should cost 4
MovementAlready suggested as Crystallization.
GravityAlready in game. See Armagio.
Solar AttractionUm, stronger creatures being easier to kill? Why? I think this idea is flawed at its core.
AttractionIf it only ever costs any type of quanta and never requires
then it is not a Gravity card is it?
So destroy 5(>3) quanta per type of the opponents and gain that back as quanta (>1hp each) for 1 quanta of any type (<4
). Please review Black Hole ( first
Fresh ZombieThis would work best as a token only card (ones that can't be added to decks but are only created in game)
I would change it to 2|3 Poisoned for 1
. (No need for a new skill when poisoned works just as well
ZombieI would change this to 2|5 for 5
This card will have problems due to competition with Graveyard
Deadly PrognosticationChange cost to 1
and be prepared for a lot of anti discarding backlash
SacrificeSoul Catcher (in game) beat you to it
VenomVenom means something else in game.
Cost of 2
should work.
I personally do not like this card because it reminds me of Holy Light which I disliked as well.
Soul RetrieverYour effect description is not clear
Did you mean that my creatures would each take 1 damage per attacker and I would heal 1 hp per attacker to mitigate the normal damage I would take?
If so that is an interesting idea but probably worth a lot less.
ContaminationAlready in game see Deflagration
Life or deathChances need to be stated however instant kills without taking the hp of the target into consideration are not wanted by
Zanz's decree.
Rolling dicesIf average net damage is 0 then I would not waste a card slot in my deck for it.
AssasinWay too overpowered. This would cost 10
. See immortal and phase dragon for reference.
PutrefactionAgain why not use poison/infect instead?
for 2 poison counters sounds fair.
PutrefactionToo situational
I need to take a break. More critque tomorrow (12hrs)
Burnflame1) Sure it is both more powerful and more expensive than Firestorm but do we need 2 oneshot Fire full field Area of Effect Creature Control cards?
2) Why would this heal Lava Golem if Firebolt doesn't?
OriflamaDrop the Activation cost to 0.
Blue FireI don't know about you but Fire seems only interested in damage and destruction not regernation. Also Blue Flames use more fuel faster due to being a hotter flame.
DesertThe opponent attack loss makes sense but I still do not understand why or how fire creatures would gain HP.
Rage And PainRage Potion does this job better
NukeProbably way Overpowered when combined with Phoenixes. Lower the damage and it would be fine.
Fire SplitterShould cost 5
but will be overshadowed by Lava Golem
BalrokSure. Balanced too.
Fire FistsSure. Balanced too.
PlasmaSomeone recently beat you too it with a card remake in the Time Crucible.
FlameCurrently there is no Tornado spell in the game.
Fire Trap15 damage is overkill, 7
is expensive for 15 damage, The only benefit to the trap is that it can effect Immaterial creatures too and Fire Shield does that already.
I would use Fire Bolt instead.
Wolf & WerewolfWerewolf is already a used name.
You could change this to an Alpha Wolf that spawns Wolves and drop the Chaos Seed effect.
OwlOwls probably are Air creatures not Life
Increase the attack to 2 and change everything to Air and it would make sense.
Seeds in the windI think this card is interesting but would require a deeper analysis.
Fountain of lifeI thought I saw this suggested already recently.
The idea fits life but probably costs too much.
Ent5|5 for 2
is too powerful even with the Fire instant kill. 5|3 for 4
would do the trick without needing the ability so there is room for another one (with the additional cost increase).
Ent-ificationProbably too similar to Cremation.
Lost ForestMore powerful than Phase Shield. Why?
Plant mindedYou might want to note that life does not have much in the way of creature control (Thorn Carapace). Giving Life a 3 damage and generate 6
spell for 1
is ridiculous.
cost for 3 damage outstrips Lightning by miles.
HealmoreHeal + Purify should cost 5|3
Antidote TreePurify was the closest to this effect and it did not try to grant immunity.
I do not suggest this idea.
However the cost seems too high.
Healing FungusLooks good.