To be honest here, I have to agree that I find something with the name Satan more suited to Darkness, or perhaps fire than death. 10 is costly for an instakill if you want to use it defensively (and the effects of it will probably be much worse), and offensively I don't see it being that amazing. Chimera can last a couple turns, and can synergise with LS and other. This dies, and that's it. It seems a bit 'cheap' to get all these effects from one card, whether or not it is costly and will die. I would prefer it to be much more moderate, following the pattern of other cards in this game.
You would probably want to add heavy armour to it, since it is usually used as a buff (LS, RP are debateable)- the problem being it has different upped and unupped effects.
IMO to make the title 'fit' the death element, I would use an underworld style name (Pluto, Hades, Charon, Ceberus). Personally, I would also find a way so it's death isn't immediate, such as 'The target creatures full HP becomes 1, it gains all the buffs and is poisoned' - which kind of kills the adrenaline (However with Chaos Power, Blessing, Momentum I doubt that many creatures would synergise perfectly with adrenaline) but IMO makes it fit death more. Ineviatable, unpreventable, but not instant kill.