Currently 2|2 Light creature for 5 with a skill that costs 4|3
Unupped = 2 (attack) +0 (0<HP<6) +X (Value of convert) -2 (activation cost of 4) -1 (Light/Life bonus) = 5
Unupped = 2 (attack) +0 (0<HP<6) +X (Value of convert) -1 (activation cost of 2-3) -1 (Light/Life bonus) -1 (upgraded)= 5
This means that X is currently set at 6.
For 6 a card could have an ability to spawn creatures of 4 value.
Is Twin Universe + Instant Kill equal to Spawn 5|5? (maximum stats for a 4 value light/life/fire)
I think the cost needs to be upped or even not be available on a stick (as a repeatable skill).


spell would work but probably has been suggested.