A hurricane can destroy a city. It destroy the opponent's resources, specifically aimed at mono decks. Lower cost to 1 and make it destroy 6 quanta?
I see where you are going with that, but it would make more sense for this to destroy things which are tangible, such as permanents or creatures, rather than something which is intangible, such as quanta...
Black hole makes sense for reducing quanta because it sucks in all energy (light, etc) which is essentially what quanta represents... units of energy.
I don't see how a hurricane would suck in light or other non-matter based energy.
Its not that I don't think the idea of sucking down the opponent's quanta with a devourer-like spell is interesting, I just think its a little out of place thematically in the air element... at least in the context of a hurricane.
... Now air is in the buissiness of scattering things (much like entropy)... so it might make sense if this scattered quanta (energy). I just don't think it makes sense to absorb it into nothingness.