Cerberus- OP as is, however i do like the concept. maybe reverse the requirement, as it should be pretty difficult to keep your quanta low later in the game, and then maybe only double the number of attacks. 'if you have under 20 fire quanta, cerberus attacks twice.
giant squid/kraken - the unupped one isn't bad. perhaps say 'if this card successfully deals damage to your opponent, draw a card.' this way it works like poison. i'd also knock the attack down lower to 2 like pufferfish so that more shields have the opportunity to prevent the draw. Kraken....is ridiculous. i think you need to better realize the role card advantage plays in elements and other ccgs to know just how OP this card is.
basic dragon/pwnage dragon - unupped, a white elite skeleton. unnecessary and unimpressive. upped, goes from boring to way too powerful. life should have the cheapest most massive creatures, and this outclasses everything life has.