Air is known for providing creatures that have heavy hitting capabilities, particularly via temporary burst boosts to attack.
Dive and sky blitz are examples of this, and function by modifying the creature's current attack (but leave max attack the same).
I wanted a creature that goes about this in a slightly different manner, but keeps the overall idea.
In particular, one that does so at the expense of its allies well being. Hence the tie in with dark (grabbing for power at the expense of others well being).
This was a very close toss up between having the creature be in the air or fire element, since it would work well thematically in either.
It could have also worked as a darkness card with an air ability.
Fire already has rage potion to get a related effect, though, so I went with air. I thought it would make a nice evil twin to the dive mechanic.
Also, air and darkness doesn't see much synergy yet, so I thought it would be nice to try and promote it.