Yeah, the request was to make it when used on enemy creatures a Reverse Time that trades giving it an extra, increased nigh-unpreventable attack for sending it consistently deeper in the deck than Reverse Time would and repeat-ability.
The current card makes it return all cards to "your" deck. I suggested to change that so all cards return to "the" deck, such that enemy card return to the enemy deck and your cards return to your deck.
P.S. You're saying it's not the insta-kill that's OP but the design of the card that's bad? That's a little extreme, but sure then, in this case I think your design of your card is bad because you're using an insta-kill without the necessary penalties to drop the label of "insta-kill". In the end, we're just throwing around definitions for "insta-kill". I say an effect should not be considered an insta-kill if it's balanced or if the core idea is balance-able.
P.P.S. I used the relationship between insta-kill and insta-exile wrong in this thread. I compared Reverse Time to an insta-kill outside of the context of EtG, where insta-kills send cards to the graveyard and allow them to be re-used via graveyard effects. Insta-exile would exile the card, meaning that it's removed from play forever, which would be compared to a Reverse Time that not only removed the card from the field but didn't send the card to its owner's deck. Yeah, I shouldn't have brought up insta-exiles, as all insta-kills are insta-exiles in EtG, it's only that Reverse Time isn't an insta-kill.