I did try to link it in the OP, but I couldn't get just the image by itself, Blacksmith.
It's working now, though:
http://www.imagesource.com/Doc/IS0/Media/TR16/4/8/3/a/IS0999FI6.jpgWhilst I would LOVE to explain how the card works on the card, but there's so little space, Odin.
Simply adding Solarium and Realign to name the ability would cram the card more, and saying that the ability becomes/reverts to realign/solarium would definitely overload it.
I'll post a card with your suggestion and you'll see what I mean.
I did not mean for these abilities to be useable multiple times on the same turn- One cycle through the abilities per turn, unless you use SoR. You can use the first ability twice with three copies of a card out, the second ability twice with 4 out, etc, but one cycle per turn. The reason for this is to prevent weird things from happening, Like using realignment's entropy ability twice before drawing.