While I thank everyone for input, I would kindly ask for there to be a bit more constructive criticism to help this idea reach its fullest potential. That being said, I'm surprised that the Master of Life had nothing to say but put that this card is overpowered. I'm not good when it comes to balancing, I realize, whereas my creative side always has daily blooms. Together with the Elements community I expect that ideas can be brought to light, adjusted and then given to the game, satisfying the developers, the customers, and the game itself.
While Rabbit \ Bunny does not sound "really meant for elements" to you, Elements the game does not, I believe, have restraints of being a typical this or that game. It is a diverse game that includes a bit of everything providing at least a moment of joy for all.
And yes, if you wanted to go offensively upgrade everything and include frogs, cockatrices, adrenalines, and even maybe a dragon, but Life the way I see it is and should be focused on bringing forth life, not necessarily damage. Rabbit Hole \ Bunny Cove brings forth a constant 1 damage that does indeed multiply but has intended synergy with Feral Bonds, especially with the 0|1 burrowed Bunny.
Thanks to all who do help and appreciate a person's time and effort.