Although I'd say Time needs permanent protection rather than destruction, it is true that both fit well with the theme.
Pyramids surviving for a few thousand years in a barely damaged form is a proof that Time has capability to build nearly indestructible things.
Ruins of buildings dented by time through the ages shows that it can as well destroy the unprepared.
The basic concept seems great, definitely an idea worth developing. As for the ability, I'd say

is more fitting, since so far most of the off-element skill costs match the theme of that element (eg. scarab's devour costs gravity, parasite's poison costs death, mind flayer's ability costs aether...). It is true that permanent destruction skills so far costs


in case of Trident), rather than fire, though. Also, the skill right now is more like permanent delay, rather than destruction, so it might justify an element like

But, if I compare Ra with eg. Pulverizer and Butterfly Effect, I have to say that even though Ra is a single card rather than combo, the ability is still UP. Having to pay 1/2 quanta every turn just to keep one permanent disabled, while you could pay 2 quanta to destroy it with a pulverizer, or 3 to destroy it with BE, and the fact you are limited to shields and weapons only, makes it an underpowered ability in comparison.
I would recommend either increasing the delay to 2 turns, so you can at least delay both a weapon and a shield, while keeping the skill cost at 1

and upgraded Ra could have higher attack/hp.
Or, you might consider allowing it to target other permanents (except pillars maybe), and still keep the cost at 1 for both upgraded and unupped.
Or, you might even change the skill cost to

, since it is a delay effect, perfectly fitting in mono-Time.
If you don't like any of these suggestions, I'd say increased attack could make it more balanced when compared to Pulverizers.