Is the ability a one-time only use or can it be used multiple times?
"Target creature gains '0: Merge: Destroy this creature and add its attack and health and any passive abilities to a target creature'."
Could you destroy a thing that has been destroyed?
I just dunno, merging a creature should give you a Chimera/Abomination with combined stat and passive IMO
D'oh, my bad. I read it the other way around.
It doesn't very strong then - I guess it could be used to bypass shields or save a creature about to die from poison.
Still a very good way to implement fusion - it's a good solution to the ability and multitarget problems that previous attempts have had.
Does fusion trigger death effects?
If a creature is sacrificed it does not trigger death effects.If a creature is destroyed it triggers death effects.
The ability destroys the creature so it does trigger death effects.