To make my previous argument clearer since Nik_V misunderstood it.
3 Quantum Soldiers & 1 Quantum Pillar
Turn 1: Quantum Pillar
Turn 2: 1 Quantum Soldier
Turn 3: +2[total 3] Quantum Soldiers
Turn 4: nothing (well more cards obviously)
Total Cost: 6
3 Ash Eaters & 1 Fire Pillar
Turn 1: Fire Pillar
Turn 2: 1 Ash Eater
Turn 3: 1[total 2] Ash Eater
Turn 4: 1[total 3] Ash Eater
Total Cost: 3
Cost Comparison:
vs 3
Resource/Damage Advantage:
& 14 damage vs 12 damage over 4 turns
This card as it stands is more powerful than Ash Eater. Are other cards supposed to be more powerful than their elemental counterparts?