This card is WAY OP to begin with. It is a mass quanta spanner, in which you need only wait a couple turns to get a massive quanta boost. It definitely needs a lot of nerfing and balancing. My first suggestion would be to change the mechanic. Waiting 3 turns and then gaining 36 quanta is way too much. I suggest that this card generate perhaps 4 or 5 random quanta per counter to start with. As for the cost, I suggest raising it a bit, since it is a
cost card.
I'm not sure it's OP, but, I'll entertain the notion.
Lets compare the upgraded version of this to the upgraded version of Nova.
Cast Supernova you immediately gain 24 quanta.
Cast Q you gain nothing.
Next turn, assuming Q still is in play you gain 12 quanta if you use it.
The following turn you finally gain the 24 quanta that Supernova would have given you assuming Q is still in play. It's still not equal to Supernova though, as you ran the risk of it being destroyed/stolen for zero functionality.
Finally, on the 4th turn you could gain more from Q than you could have from casting Supernova. Assuming Q is still in play.
Frankly it's probably the rare deck that would choose this over Nova/Supernova. I was thinking decks that want to run 3 elements or maybe some sort of super buff rainbow.
Still think it's OP?