does pandemonium ever do positive bonuses?
Parallel Universe ?
what does "positive" mean? positive to who/what must be explained.
Unupped panda: does a negative effect to each creature. PU is positive for you and negative for the oponent. Then, all the effects are negative for each creature (yours or your oponent) unless you say that damaging a voodoo doll is positive.
Upped panda does, effectively, all negative effects to your oponent creatures, as PU counts as a negative effect (unless, again, he has a doll and you damage it).
This card has synergy with one and only one card, much less than Schrodinger's Cat. And the only effect that makes panda a negative effect for you playing a doll deck is RT, which this card also does. Also, panda is used as CC and this card doesn't offer it. The only positive thing it has against panda is that it's
I think about
this deck and how it would change with a puppet master instead of a panda: It would be worse.
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