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Other is an element, cards for "Other" https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=2131.msg17431#msg17431
« on: January 13, 2010, 08:23:11 pm »
"Other" as an option in the bazaar should sell a creature. I was thinking something like a creature called "Mystic" Which requires quanta of any random element. In my opinion "mystic" should be able to choose a type of pillar and then get an effect from the type of pillar you choose with it.  The stats with this ability should probably be weak. Maybe like a 0/5 or a 1/4 something without much damage. but great effects. Mystic Mage: Gain effect abilities relevant to target pillar. Costs 12 quantum of any element--upgrade cost=16 quantum. Mystic Warrior: Gain damaging abilities relevant to target pillar cost= 12 quantum of any element--upgrade cost=16 quantum.
Shape Shifter: Cost 10 quantum of any element, Shape Shift, become the target creature.--Upgrade cost=15 quantum of any element, shape shift become the target creatures elite version.

Aeither Phase Mage(0/4): Plane Shift, shift target creatures physical form onto another plane for 2 turns, target creature cannot attack for damage nor be targeted, but can use abilities.--Upgraded=(0/5) 3 turns.            Phase Warrior(2/4): Electrocute, deal 2 damage to target creature.--upgrade=(3/5) 3 damage to target creature.

Water Water Mage(0/6): Purify, mystic mage purifies you of 3 poison marks .--Upgraded=(2/6) -5 poison marks.
Arctic Warrior(3/3): FrostBite, deal 1 damage to target creature, if it freezes, frostbite continues its damage another 1 turns.--upgrade=(4/4) Deal 2 damage to target creature, it freezes for 1 turn and frostbite continues to damage the creature.

FireFire Mage(0/3): Anger, Each creature you own gains +2/-1 for 1 turn--upgrade:(0/4) +3/-2
Infernal Warrior(5/2): Burn, Deal 2 damage to target creature, it is burned for 1 damage for 2 turns.--Upgrade:(3/4) 2 dmg, burned for 2 damage for 2 turns.

Darkness Dark Mage (0/5): Drain life, drain 2hp from target creature, damage dealt is returned to Dark mage as healing.--upgraded=(0/7) drain 4hp from opposing player, return to Dark Mage as healing.
Dark Warrior (2/3): Vampiric Growth, damage dealt by Dark warrior is returned to it in defense. (ex. 2/3 dark warrior damages opponent player for 1 damage, it becomes a 2/5.)--upgrade= (2/4) Half the damage Dark Warrior inflicts is returned to him in attack and defence. (if a 2/N hits player for 2 damage, it gains +1/+1, if a 3/N hits it gains +1/+1, but if a 4/N hits the player, it gains +2/+2)

Light Holy Mage(0/7): Holy Cause, Heal creatures on your team for up to 2 hp each.--Upgrade=(0/8) heal team creatures to Full HP(or 3hp if this is unfair)
Holy Warrior(4/5): Warriors Blessing, grant target creature +1/+2--upgrade=(5/5) grant target creature +2/+3

Entropy Chaotic Mage(0/4): Chaos effect(or Chaotic confusion), target creature has a 30% chance of attacking its owner.--upgrade= (0/6) and 50% chance
Chaos Warrior(4/3): Fearful disloyalty  When Chaos Warrior comes into play, enemy creatures have a 30% chance of attacking their owner--Upgrade= (2/4) Chaotic Build: Chaos Warrior gains a random bonus in attack and defense.

Earth Magnesium Mage:(2/3)Land Raising,  Raise land around all of your creatures, your creatures are burrowed . Effect can be taken off by mage(Lower).--upgrade= (2/4) Elevation Decline, Lower the land all of your creatures stand on,  attacking creatures take a falling damage of 1 each time they attack.(this cancels Land Raising) creatures with dive are unaffected.
Titanium Warrior: (5/5) Titanium Effect, Damage from all sources directed at Titanium Warrior is reduced by 2.--Upgrade= Diamond Warrior(7/7)   Diamond Effect, Damage directed at diamond warrior is reduced by 3.

Gravity Puppet Master: (0/5) Decoy, create a (0/8) decoy that will absorb all damage against its owner.--upgrade=(0/12) Puppet master creates a (0/8) Decoy upon entering and Each turn but Enters the game with gravity pull.
(warrior)Massive Spikebeast: (5/10) Pull Trap, Gargantuan Spikebeast Pulls all attacking creatures into it, it recieves damage but all attacking creatures are dealt 2 damage each.--upgrade=Gargantuan Spikebeast(6/15) deals 3 damage to every attacking creature, it is alive for 4 turns.

Life Empathetic Dryad:(1/3) Defensive Development, your creatures gain +0/+1 and are healed for 1hp each turn.--Upgrade= Feral Druid: (0/5)Thorn Aura, your creatures attack for an additional 1 damage.
(Warrior)Enchanted Mantis:(6/5) Dominance, Enchanted Mantis cannot be targeted by creatures of lesser hp.--upgrade=Primal Mantis:(5/6) Capture capture a creature of lesser hp, if Primal Mantis does not die in 2 turns, the captive is devoured. Dominance still applies.

I'll leave Death, Time, and Air to anyone else. Then perhaps i'll put my input on those three also :)


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Re: Other is an element, cards for "Other" https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=2131.msg17439#msg17439
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2010, 08:34:03 pm »
Ideas are original, but if you want to have more chances that they're truly taken in consideration by zan or other people try to make them a bit less complicated. Coding is not easy.


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Re: Other is an element, cards for "Other" https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=2131.msg17445#msg17445
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2010, 08:44:06 pm »
Ideas are original, but if you want to have more chances that they're truly taken in consideration by zan or other people try to make them a bit less complicated. Coding is not easy.
Well any changes can be made to my ideas, i don't need to be the one to simplify them, anyone can throw their opinion in on what they think should be changed about my ideas to simplify them. I'm in love with the mantis idea. I think its great, pretty simple too i think. But since i'm not the one who's in charge of making the elements cards, whoever is can just see my idea and make it how they want if they like it.


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Re: Other is an element, cards for "Other" https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=2131.msg17460#msg17460
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2010, 09:03:51 pm »
actually, i'll take your word for it and make the changes myself, and quick insight before i do this though?


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Re: Other is an element, cards for "Other" https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=2131.msg17463#msg17463
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2010, 09:07:34 pm »
The ideal would be changing your ideas, which are really original, and try to make them the fusion/combination of more existing abilities. This way they would be simple to implement. For example, Infernal warrior's ability is fine because it's a combo between fire lance and poison (even though it's different). Plane shift it's more complicated.


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Re: Other is an element, cards for "Other" https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=2131.msg17466#msg17466
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2010, 09:18:44 pm »
Ahh i see, sure. I can make it simpler for the designers if they're willing to use my ideas.
I'll get crackin right'a'way ;)


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New Creatures https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=2131.msg17496#msg17496
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2010, 10:40:48 pm »
 Phase Wizard(0/2): Phase Shift, shift yourself out of phase for 1 turn.--Upgraded=(0/4) phase shift 1 turn.           
 Phase Warrior(2/4): Electrocute, deal 2 damage to target creature.--upgrade=(3/5) 3 damage to target creature. (should be doable)

Water Mage(0/4): Purify, remove the poison status from yourself .--Upgraded=(2/6).
Arctic Warrior(3/3): FrostBite, deal 1 damage to target creature, if it freezes, frostbite continues its damage until unfrozen.--upgrade=(4/4) Deal 2 damage to target creature, it freezes for 1 turn and frostbite continues to damage the creature.

Fire Mage(0/3): Anger, Each creature you own gains +2/-1 for 1 turn--upgrade:(0/4) +3/-2
Infernal Warrior(5/2): Burn, Deal 2 damage to target creature, it is burned for 1 damage for 2 turns.--Upgrade:(3/4) 2 dmg, burned for 2 damage for 2 turns.

Black Mage (0/5): Drain life, drain 2hp from the target, damage dealt is returned to Dark mage(or yourself if easier) as healing.--upgraded=(0/7) drain 4hp from target, damage is returned to you as healing.
Dark Spirit (2/3): Light Consumption, Dark Spirit consumes half the target's light quantums and gains +n/+n. (1 use only)
-Upgrade= Dark Spectre (4/4): Cheaper ability cost

Holy Mage(0/7): Holy Cause, Heal creatures on your team for up to 2 hp each.--Upgrade=(0/8) heal team creatures to Full HP(or 3hp if this is unfair)
Holy Warrior(4/5): Warriors Blessing, grant target creature +1/+2--upgrade=(5/5) grant target creature +2/+3

Chaotic Mage(0/3): Chaos effect, Target creature is inflicted with a random effect.--upgrade=(0/4) target creature gains a random boost in attack and defense.
Chaos Warrior(4/3): Discord, convert some 3 of the opponents natural quanta into other elements--Upgrade= (4/4) Convert 5 of the enemies mark quanta into other elements.

Magnesium Mage:(2/3)Land Raising,  Raise land around all of your creatures, your creatures are burrowed . (Effect can be undone).--upgrade= (2/4) Excavation, Lower the land your creatures stand on,  attacking creatures take a falling damage of 1 per turn.(this cancels Land Raising)
Titanium Warrior: (5/5) Titanium Armor, Damage from all sources directed at Titanium Warrior is reduced by 2.--Upgrade= Diamond Warrior(7/7)   Diamond Armor, Damage directed at diamond warrior is reduced by 3.

Orbital Sorcerer (0/4):  Orbital Attraction, Pull a meteor into orbit. (at the cost of earth quanta (Meteor: 0/5 w/ gravity pull)-upgrade= (0/5) Pull a meteor into orbit every turn.
Massive Spikebeast: (5/10) Pull Trap, Gargantuan Spikebeast Pulls all attacking creatures into it, it recieves damage but all attacking creatures are dealt 2 damage each.--upgrade=Gargantuan Spikebeast(6/15) deals 3 damage to every attacking creature, it is alive for 4 turns.

Dryad:(1/3) Defensive Development, your creatures gain +0/+1 and are healed for 1hp each turn.--Upgrade= Feral Druid: (0/5)Thorn Aura, your creatures attack for an additional 1 damage.
(Warrior)Enchanted Mantis:(6/5) Capture, capture a creature of lesser hp, in 3 turns it dies. (if Enchanted Mantis dies, the captive is free).--upgrade=Primal Mantis:(5/6) Capture, capture a creature of lesser hp, in 2 turns the captive is devoured. (i'm keeping this one similar, it may be difficult to make, but I'm in love with the idea of it.)

Necromancer:(0/3) Summon, summon a skeleton.-upgrade= (0/4) Summon an elite skeleton.
Bone Warrior: (2/2) Devour, consume target creature of lesser hp, Bone Warrior gains +1/+1.-Upgrade=Bone Gatherer: (2/2) Consume: Consume Target creature, Bone Gatherer gains +1/+2.

Elder of Time:(0/1) Elder of Time is immortal with the "draw a card" ability.-Upgrade= (3/4) Elder of time is immortal with the reverse time ability.

Storm Goddess: (0/7) Thunderstorm(4 wind) deals 1 damage to every enemy creature.-Upgrade= (0/7) Lightning storm(2wind) deals 1 damage to every enemy creature.
Enchanted Craftsman: (6/3) Flying weapon: turn target weapon into a creature.-Upgrade= (7/5) Animate weapon: Turn target weapon into a creature. (cheeaaaper)

And thats it, maybe not perfect i know but its basically all good. If someone will use my ideas, the attack powers/play costs/ability costs should be reconsidered by their fairest judgment.  :D  hopefully ya like these better. Should be easier if they were to be used.
I'm also going to learn to create cards and pictures for them to help mine and element's cause.


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Re: New Creatures https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=2131.msg17512#msg17512
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2010, 11:13:39 pm »

Phase Wizard: So, what does this do? Phase Shield Forever? I'd make it so all Phase Wizards you have stase themselves for one turn after doing this. Phase Shield Every Second Turn is strong enough.
Phase Warrior: Should be doable, but it'll be the cheapest, strongest creature control I have ever seen. Owleyes can do a similar thing and are RARES.
Water Mage: Any poison deck that faces you with this is screwed. Don't make poison worthlesse.
Arctic Warrior: This one is good. Likable.
Fire Mage: Okay, have you seen a Fire creature that could part this 1-2 HP? I haven't. The main problem with making "boost ATK for HP" ideas for Fire is that there are no suitables. Still, could be useful in combos.
Infernal Warrior: Whaet... no, this will be the strongest creature control ever until Petrified Otyughs on Addrenalin. Deals a total of 6 damage over 2 turns on upgrade? Pal, this'd wreck ANYTHING.
Black Mage: 4 HP from a target is real strong aswell. Get out your Nerf gun and nerf.
Dark Spirit: And if the enemy doesn't have Light, what do I do with this? Get it in rear?
Holy Mage: It's alright, creature healing isn't used much, as they tend to die immediately or not.
Holy Warrior: Particularly strong, also useful.
Chaotic Mage: Spell-on-a-stick. Done before, should be alright.
Chaos Warrior: Checking for mark quanta doesn't seem to be done before and I may be afraid about its possiblity. Has the flaws of a normal Discard.
Magnesium Mage: Wait, so the upgrade makes your creatures take damage?
Titanium Warrior: How does this work with instant-kills?
Orbital Sorceror: It's alright, sort of like a Shard of Grater just with creature creation and a cost much higher.
Spikebeast: The normal version is a short-lived, brutal Fire Shield, but from what I understand, the upgrade does pretty much spam a Firestorm on the enemy for 4 turns. If so, then it's so roofthrough, you can climb mountains with it.
Dryad: Is alright. The upgrade is a very likable and innovative concept. +1 rep
Mantii: Slow, but should be a good idea of creature control for Life.
Necromancer: Card name suggested over and over. The effect is... just meh, really. It isn't that useful with all the Boneryards.
Bone Warrior: The upgrade may be growing a bit too fast. This, and it'd need normal Skeletons to start off.
Elder of Lime: It is sort of brutal as the upgrade, being an immovable Eternity and without any Rarity settings or complication (so far a safe creature Reverser of Time costs 3 cards and 2-3 elements, so...). The concep is good.
Temporal Fighter: Inexistent
Storm Goddesse: Even one damage per turn on everything is sort of strong, really. Two of those and you don't have to fear Fireflies, three or five and you're pretty much safe from most things.
Enchanted Craftsman: Suggested some times before. Should be alright.


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Re: Other is an element, cards for "Other" https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=2131.msg17523#msg17523
« Reply #8 on: January 14, 2010, 12:51:11 am »
Hey i really like your input. I'm glad you like a majority of my creature ideas, and you're also very right, some would be spammed way often. So.. what i want people to do instead of saying that some of these creatures are crap is to say what it would need instead to be more fair. Rather than not to exist.

Phase Wizard- Yeah i forgot to mention an every other turn cooldown.(easy to kill) (5 either to play-3 for ability)^grade(4 to play, 3 for ability)
Phase Warrior- Could instead do 1 damage electrocute, 2 on upgrade. Perhaps they could be weaker in defence too.(4 to play, 3 for ability)^grade(5 to play, 3 for ability) aether of coarse.
Water Mage- True, it'd be unfair.. originally i wanted them to take away 2 poison, and 4 with the upgrade. it'd be helpful when you're poisoned pretty badly.. slowly cure yourself.(2 to play, 2 for ability) ^grade(3 to play, 2 for ability)
Arctic Warrior- Is good =D (4 to play, 3 for ability) ^grade(5 to play, 3 for ability)
Fire Mage- Seams fair enough to me, not a problem if used properly.(6 to play, 2 for ability)^grade(same costs)
Infernal Warrior- yehh this one was a shot in the dark. But! Burn for 1 damage, creatue is burned for 1 turn.Upgrade is 2 dmg, burn still does only 1 dmg/turn... that'd be better. (6 to play, 3 for ability)^grade(5 to play, 3 for ability)
Black mage- how bout... 2 dmg+2 for every 10 darkness pillars on upgrade!(5 to play, 3 for ability) ^grade(same costs)
Dark Spirit- Well, its meant to use its ability on whichever target, even yourself. So its best used if you know you'll have light quanta and its a nice plus when your opponent does too(4 to play, 2 for ability)
Chaotic mage- yeahhh i thought the same. I wanted to give it the ability to Confuse a target, 30% chance to hit its owner. Upgrade=50%... that'd be good (1 or 2 turns)..(4 to play, 3 for ability)^grade= (same costs)
Magnesium Mage- I think i meant: raise the land opposing creatures stand on, they take a falling damage of 1 when attacking. Might be better to make it weaker too.(5 to play, 3 for ability)^grade(5 to play, 4 for ability)
Titanium Warrior- Can be devoured, but lightning will do 3 dmg instead of 5 to it.. icebolt does nothing, firebolt does 1.(5 to play)^grade(6 to play)
Orbital Sorcerer- Glad u can agree, i think its decent.(7 gravity to play, 3 earth for ability)^grade(8 to play, none for ability)
Massive Spikebeast-  original card could do 1 dmg to all attacking, upgrade could do 2, and live 2 or 3 turns instead.(7 to play)^graded(9 to play)
Dyrad- =D its shweeet(4 to play)^grade(5 to play)
Enchanted Mantis- Life needs at least one creature control card.. i mean, life's got me by the balls all the time, so it certainly applies.(5 to play, 2 to capture)^grade(5 to play, 2 to capture)
Necromancer- good for someone who uses no boneyards.(5 to play, 2 to summon) ^grade(5 to play, 3 to summon)
Bone Warrior- How about Bone Defender: (3/5) Bone defender protects you from N damage sources, when a creature dies it gains +0/+1 =] - upgrade= (4/6) same thing, when a creature dies it gains +0+2.. good no? N is the number of defense on bone defender
(5 to play)^grade(same)
Elder of Time- Yeah scratch the upgrade ability, keep it the same, draw a card. Too many reverse times as it is, they're frustrating.(3 to play, 1 for ability)^grade(same costs)
Chronic Mercenary- (4/5) this creature attacks twice per turn (costs 2 time). upgrade- (5/5) costs 1time =D i likey(5 to play,2 for ability)^grade(same costs)
Storm goddess- (8 to play, 4 for ability)^graded(8 to play, 3 for ability). Quantum consumption should get in the way of spammers.
Enchanted Craftsman- yeah its alright, can even use it on opponent weapon.. get it into firing range if ya know what i mean. costs (5 to play, 3 for ability)^grade(5 to play, 2 for ability)

input is always appreciated, even if its insulting. what do you think??

