I'm sure the wording is "upon entering play", though, so after played, the passive checked for appropriate ability to give to the plant, then stay there, not doing anything.
So the ability given is loboable.
Despite what the wording implies, Kuroaitou's intended mechanic does not function that way. In fact, I believe he has already stated how he intends his mechanic to function in this thread.
Correct; I always wanted the ability to be 'refreshed' at the end of each turn, so as to prevent lobotmization. The new edit has been stated now.
On the topic of suitable abilities for Omniplant: Do you insist on having an active ability for each element? Because otherwise one could argue about active-passive abilities, like e.g. overdrive.
I want the abilities to be -triggered-, such that the player needs to use quanta of the element in question in order to use its ability; otherwise, it's probably no different than having a constantly applied Overdrive or Liquid Shadow (without the poison consequence) to the creature, and since Omniplant can work wonders with various buffing spells (Momentum + free Overdrive? Adrenaline + Vampire?), I don't think having the non-triggered abilities is a good idea.
I also don't want the skills to be a 'one-trick pony', in that they use their skill once and they're done (*coughlycancough*). I think Omniplant deserves to show how plants are constantly regenerating (Adaptive constantly replacing its skill should it get removed) and evolving (different mark types = different tactics) in order to provide the most out of their current environment. I'll change the Photosynthesis to 'Holy Light', and I've upped the quanta costs for Devour and Holy to avoid any balance issues.
Also, Burrow has been changed back to 'Guard', because I realized that with the current code in place, one could 'Burrow' Omniplant,
then at the end of the turn, instead of having 'Unburrow', receive the Burrow skill again (i.e. - exponentially decreasing ATK ratio, which is terrible!). Guard has a hefty cost though, so as to not overstep the bounds of the Warden.
What was that other version of devour?
and the original
I'd prefer the abilities I have now - ones that we have in game as of currently, because they're much more relatable and require less explanation (or invention). ^^; Nice concepts though...